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now a days my warm morning coffee seems to be the only thing that soothes me. thoughts of what we had dance through my head as i drag my hand along the wooden banister. the blanket that once enclosed us both is draped over my shoulders as the tv screen blinks in front of me. too lazy to turn the screen off, thoughts of your face illuminated by the soft glow from the screen slowly begin to fade away, as i cant remember the detail on your face as vividly. my hands, lay weakly by my side, as i remember how i used to run them along your tender skin. as the goose bumps would appear, i would read them like braille. softly caressing your skin. i could read you. i knew the language. what it all meant. how it felt to lock eyes with you. my ears cringe as they remember the bitter sweet words that you used to whisper into them. i held onto my coffee mug and it reminds me of how you used to hold onto my hand during a thunderstorm, telling me everything was going to be okay. the warmth from the mug mimicked the warmth i felt inside when i laid my head on your chest while we watched tv for hours on end, not really focusing on the show that was on but more on the way it felt to be wrapped in each others arms. the slow raise and descend of your chest under my head soothed me. i wanted to reach out to you. pull you close just one more time. feel your warmth. but our love was just like coffee. bittersweet. addicting. calming. stress inducing. but like all coffee, its bound to grow cold overtime, until, its undrinkable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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