My First Chen's Experience

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This chapter is basically about Chinese food. I'm not even going to beat around the bush, I'll just get straight to the point. Chen's pretty much has the best Chinese food I have ever eaten in my life which says a lot because I've eaten A LOT of Chinese food.

One day I was at Peanut's house and we were watching YouTube together when her mom asks us what we would like for dinner. This was one of the first times I had been to Peanut's house so I just stood there kinda awkwardly while Peanut and her mom were naming off restaurants.

After a few minutes of talking her mom says, "Does Chen's sound okay?" I had never heard of Chen's before so I just kept silent while Peanut yelled, "Yeah lets go to Chen's! Rose are you okay with that?" I had no idea what kind of food this place served so I asked her and she told me it served Chinese food. I personally find Chinese food delicious so I agreed as we hopped in the car.

When we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant Peanut told me, "I know it doesn't look great but the food tastes awesome. Oh, and don't be scared of the rat. He's the restaurant's pet and his name is Jimmy."

Each second I was beginning to regret agreeing to come here but I'm so glad I tried the food. I ended up ordering just some simple sweet and sour chicken and some fried rice because I honestly didn't want to get something complex and have them screw it up.

But let me tell you right now that was by far the best chicken and rice I have ever eaten from any Chinese restaurant. EVER.To this day it is the best Chinese food I have ever eaten.

Author's Note: I hope you guys liked this chapter of Sisters By Choice. Make sure to vote and comment and check out Peanut's POV in her book. Oh and one more thing... Just recently Jimmy the rat died :( RIP Jimmy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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