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In all futuristic novels that I have read they all have one thing in common. Another society trying to control them but some how there are people always there to beat them and save the day. Then everything goes back to being a fairy tale. Not. They still have problems and the scribes don't want to write that down because they don't want to write what happens next. They let your imagination take over. Those books were created over a thousand years ago. You'll never hear the real stories on how the futuristic worlds came to be. They usually say there was a war and a lot of death involved but like all stories there must be a start. And that start is me.

I come from a long line of engineers whether in a factor or the military. Name a place a engineer is needed, someone in my family has probably worked in that department. Since I was young I was always taught how things were made and how to make them better. In seventh grade my teacher assigned the class and I to create an invention that could help our world today. Ideas were already bubbling through my mind. While other kids wanted to actually have hover cars  hover I wanted to help the human race before it was to late. But the thing with not knowing things is that you don't know how the end will happen or when and if your ready or not.

Most say the end of the world is a myth because humans will never fail to invent something new that will save us from a catastrophe. When there used to be tsunamis inventors invented a way to control the water and not let it destroy towns and cities. When there used to be viruses they found a cure involving mini robots to fight off the virus. When people went blind they were given lazier eye surgery and they could see again. They always found a way out of life's problems, but one they couldn't predict was the end of the world. Our end of the world didn't end up in the Earth exploding, destroying everything that was on it. It started as a normal day.............................
Hey guys,
So I have a plan. I have a bunch of other stories written and I'm planning on publishing them all at once. But I'm only publishing the first chapter to see which ones you like the most so I can write more of those stories. I hope this works out. Wish me luck!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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