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Chapter: 3

I curl the last strand of my hair and I check my appearance in the dirty mirror in my old bedroom, surrounding the mirror were worn out stickers of various cartoons the one that seemed to occur the most was my little pony- something she was obsessed with when she was younger.

After I checked my outfit out for a third time ( ) I make my way down stairs were I see Derek waiting with an impatient look on his face and a scowl set deep on his face.

My hand comes up to my mouth to stop any chuckling from reaching his ears but I knew it was useless with his supernatural hearing.
His glare then set its self on me and I sighed before walking out of the burned house and towards the Camero.

Derek races down the road towards the high school, anyone would think that we were in a rush to get somewhere but this was the normal speed Derek drove. Laura hated being driven by Derek anywhere that's why as soon as she could she brought herself a car and started saving up for one for Katherine.

Derek loved the speed, I guess it made him feel free in some way.


As soon as Derek dropped me off he speeded away claiming to be running an errand but I knew he was looking for the Alpha.
The lady at reception was nice enough she smiled at me and didn't seem to flinch at my last name like the principle did. She handed me my locker combination and my class schedule.

I successfully found my locker and I took out the books I needed for my next few classes.


My first class was Chemistry with Mr Harris who also seemed to flinch at my last name when I told him. He stood up in front of the class and got their attention, it was then I noticed the three people from the woods were in the same class as me.

"Class we have a new student, this is Katherine Hale" as soon as my last name was uttered, words about the Hale fire started to fly around the room.

"Uh take a seat by Miss Stilinski" the girl from the woods hesitantly raised her hands and I took that as my cue to take a seat by her.

The shaggy haired boy from the previous night turned around and looked at me with a small smile which I happily returned.


After class I headed to the lacrosse field, all I would hear about in class was the up and coming lacrosse practice so I decided to take a look for myself.

I see the blonde girl from the woods sitting on one of the benches. I took a seat beside her and sent her a warm smile.

"What's you name?" I ask, the girl intrigued me

"Masie, and your Katherine"

I smirked "should I be worried that you know my name?" I said jokingly
"Mr Harris said it in class"

I made an 'O' with my mouth and I nodded in understanding.

I spot a ginger girl and a brunette sitting next to each other a couple of places in front of us.

"Who are they?" I point over to the two girls

"That's Lydia Martin and Allison Argent, Allison only just started school yesterday" I nod barley holding in a growl at the name Argent, I reminded myself that I would have to be careful around the young Argent girl.

The ginger girl suddenly turns around and glares at the blonde by my side

"Stop talking about us, you freak"  

Katherine Hale ▷ Scott McCall (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now