I'm Sorry.

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I am really terribly sorry that I haven't posted in forever. I know most of you probably don't care. But to the few people that do I am really sorry.

There just has been a lot of shit going on. I know that's not an excuse. I'm going to try my hardest to actually update. I want to start updating every week and I am very very slowly but surely getting there. Little baby steps.

But yea. I just wanted to say that.

Also, please do offer feedback about the story so far.

Do you actually find it interesting and like the story?

If anybody ever wants to talk to me just message me or something. I'm here. Just sitting currently. Soooooo. Yeah.

Also would anyone like to like message with me so I could like send you certain ideas and like cover ideas and maybe a different title change. I need somebody to help by offering their opinions on this stuff.

Love you. xox


Before I forget. How do you guys feel about swearing? Cause I kinda want to keep it in the story cause it like makes certain scenes more serious and interesting unlike if I were to use no swearing.

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