It Began With Hello (Louis Tomlinson)

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Okay so this is my first writing on here and I don't know how to make pages so it might be one big page..haha... I hope it's good and I hope those of you who read it like it as well. I had so much fun writing it sooo enjoy!:)

Pt 1.

Okay so let me tell you about myself, my name is Lindsay I like to read, and I keep to myself. My parents decided we will move to Holmes Chapel, England. Of course only my parents would go to England from the US.

It's weird at school, everyone looks at me, then whisper.. but I guess I'm used to it. At my old school I didn't really have much friends, in fact I didn't have any... So I guess you could say I'm used to being alone. I had to go to class and my first period is Biochemestry, and everyone seemed to have their place. So I had to go sit next to the boy with like swayed hair, and beautiful blue crystal eyes.

He smirked and whispered into my ear, 'Hello Gorgeous, I'm Louis' I just smiled at him and turned to listen to the teacher. We had been starting a project and we had to have partners, of course Mr. Lacker had to put me and Louis together...great.. 'Looks like we'll be seeing eachother alot more now.' Underneath the table I felt his hand grab my leg and squeeze, I jumped up in surprise... Great first impression on my teacher, I have spaz attacks, wonderful.

So after Biochemestry class I started to walk to my new locker.. Of course guess who it's right next to, the famous Louis, 'Hey,' a low voice behind me called, 'what's your name?' I stood still for a minute and I finally turned around to see the curly haired boy, who seemed to be hovering me with his extremely tall height compared to mine. I finally gave in and answered, 'L-Lindsay.'

'A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.'As he walked away he gave me a wink.

Now I'm on my way to Choir, which is ironic because I hate to sing, I walked in and sat down next to this girl who reminded me of Carrie Underwood, my favorite country singer, she sounded good to. I was sort of singing when I heard the girl turn to me and smile bright and said, 'Hi I'm Mykaela! Your so pretty I mean I know that's a little weird but it's so true!' I smiled in a surprise manner, I mean I didn't mean to but I never get complimented. 'Thanks..'I quietly spoke, 'We should totally hang out together!' Mykaela spoke, I smiled and whispered under my breath, 'sure.' I actually have a friend it felt nice.

Pt 2.

I was walking home and I felt as if someone was following me... I turned around to see Louis 'Why are you following me?' He smirked, 'Don't flatter yourself sweetheart,' he chuckled, 'I live right there' he pointed to the large gray house... right. next. to. mine. 'Awh shit.'I whispered as low as possible, as I go to walk away I hear him say, 'Oh by the way you look good in just a bra' Then he winked and turned to go into his house. How in the hell could he see me in my bra? I go up Ito my room my window wasn't next to a house, so I walked into my bathroom... Of course he gets a perfect view right into it, 'Mom! We seriously need curtains!' I yelled to my mother from up in my bathroom, I turned over to see the light haired boy smirking at me from his room, so I turned into my room and locked the bathroom door.

I couldn't believe he's that insensitive! Jesus! A few hours went by so I decided to go for a walk to familiarize myself with the surroundings I need to get used to obviously. As I was walking by Louis' house I hadn't exactly noticed all the tall trees, and then I felt hands on my waist and pull me back, as I put out a scream a warm hand covered my mouth, 'Jesus Linz your loud.' I bit his hand, 'ow! That hurt Lindsay!' 'Good! Now what the hell are you doing!?

'Nothing' he winks,

'Jesus Louis, why do you act like this?'

'Like what?' His smirk faded.

It Began With Hello (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now