River Of Tears And Sorrow.

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As we where outside , a woman brought out a bucket of broken peices and remains of chalk. she asked me and another girl to draw what we where feeling. so, I drew a flower. i was going to draw a rope and some razor blades, but, that would increase my chance of staying there. then after about 30 minutes we headed inside. we all headed to the caffeteria. i grabbed a plate and sat down next to a nurse. she asked me how I was feeling, I told her I felt fine. but, I lied. I wanted to die so badly... At that time I just wished that I could sleep forever. then she asked me if I still wanted to hurt myself, I told her No. But, yet again, I lied. I really was wishing that I could just cut myself on the spot. so, when we where done with lunch, we all went into a giant gym. i played kikball with two boys and one girl. I ended up getting a ball to the face. after a short while we headed back to "The Theraphy Room". we all got to draw on a khaki piece of paper. we had to draw what best described us. so i drew a guitar since i play guitar. the i drew some music notes bc i make music and music i my life. then after that we all took showers. i was handed to small paper cups ( one shampoo and one conditioner.) and a rag with a pinch of soap. what i clicked a sliver metal button to activate the shower, the water came out scorching hot so I did my best not to get a third degree burn. After my long hot shower, I walked out into the hallway and went to the ''The Theraphy Room'' and as I walked in I looked at the TV and everyone was watching "Shrek". one of the kids told me to go to the medicine counter to get candy. So, I did. and one of the nurses pulled out three bucket filled with FULL SIZED FREE CANDY!!!!!! so, of course i took some sour patch strings. and, I GOT POPCORN!!!!!!! so, I sat down and watched "Shrek"and finished all of my food and went to bed. When I woke up we did the same routine again. except that day we got two new people. I can only remember on of thier names, which was "Rider". we all were handed a yellow foam stress ball with a smiley face on top. I threw the ball onto the wall and it bounced back into my hand. so, the other kids started playing it too. so, we called it "Wall Ball" then one of the new boys ( whos name I cant remember) asked me to walk do to the end of the hall with him. so, when we reached the end of the hall, we sat on the ground. I was on one wall, and he was on the other. we started playing Wall Ball. while I was still playing, he stopped. I asked him why he stopped. and he said "Im just thinking about how pretty you are....." after he said that he covered his face with the neck of his shirt. I smiled and the got up and said "We should probably head back, they might get worried.." so, I helped him up and we headed on our way to the main corridor. after we returned one of the boys was throwing a fit of rage. we had just gotton some new fancy exspensive popcorn to snack on. but, the boy who was throwing a fit, took the whole bag and ripped it open. he threw some on the ground and began to aet it.

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