Chapter three: one step ahead

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Hayden^^^ (Selena Gomez)



"Ugh come on!" I was trying to get Hayden's number out of Ansliey. Turns out Hayden is actually really confident, sassy and obviously hot.

"NO" she slammed her door on my face and I heard a lock. Think Olli, think.

"I'll do your" ughhhhh "I'll... Do your, dishes for a month" it actually killed me to say that. But I really wanted her number.

"Longer" ughhhhh

"A month and one day..... Ugh fine two months." I then heard the door unlock and the door opens to a smiling Ansliey.


"Thanks." I then walked to my room. I sat on my king sized bed a got my phone out. I started to type a message to her but then I freaked. What if she doesn't reply? But everyone replies to me! Yeah normal wannabe girls not Hayden. But she might, you'll never know unless you try! But... I... Ughh. I'd never been scared of a girl like this before. What was wrong with me? Normally I'd be able to text any girl I wanted without a problem but Hayden got me. She got me good.


I finished up my portrait and then went into the kitchen to grab some food. Hopefully there was some leftovers from previous dinners. I was looking at my phone as I was entering the kitchen I heard Ansliey talking to someone. Oh my god, no! Yes! I got that gut feeling and looked up. There Hayden was sitting on one of our bench stools talking to Ansliey. They were sharing some strawberries. I wanted to act cool, not show how much I was freaking out and sweating. I grabbed some of the strawberries and Ansliey hit my hand away.

"Aw now look what you did." The strawberries had fallen out my hand onto the floor. Ansliey looked so furious. But she didn't say anything. I turned around and opened our fridge. Ugh yes lasagna. I pulled out the tray with lasagna on it and cut a price out.

"That's huge!" Hayden said. I looked up with a cheeky smile.

"Yes well with all the 'activity' I do I get hungry." She gave me a death stare letting me know she knew exactly what I was saying. Ansliey rolled her eyes.

"You know you shouldn't be proud of the number of girls you've had sex with!" Whore

"Just cause your still a virgin. Dont be jealous.." I turned around once shutting the fridge door. Leant against the bench as she was "just cause you didn't get good looks like me." She gave me what I have to think would be the biggest death stare ever. She was fuming on the inside but she knew not to react. I looked at Hayden for a split second and she was trying not to laugh.

Soon my lasagna was heated so I grabbed it on a plate. "Well I guess I will be leaving." I saw a look in Hayden's eye for a second as though she didn't want me to leave. Yeassss. But I didn't either however playing cool was my main priority right now. "Try not to miss me." I flicked my foot up trying to act as girly (Ansliey) like as I could. I heard the faintest laugh from Hayden and I knew that Ansliey was rolling her eyes.

Hey guys hope you like the book so far!!! I can't wait for you all to find out what's going to happen!!!
Also please go read my other books
"Falling love"
"Taxi love"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2016 ⏰

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