Meeting The Gang

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Your pov

You heard your alarm going off. " Fricking school.." You mumbled and turned off the alarm. You showered, brushed your teeth , changed into uniform, and started towards school. You ran into the store but bumped into someone. "I'm soo sorry." You said to the girl. "It's fine she replied. "Im Yuki." She said holding out her hand. "Y/n." "Wanna walk to school together?" She asked. "Sure! But let me grab some stuff for lunch." "Ok." You grabbed some candy and a (f/s) (favorite soda) and paid. Afterwards you started walking with Yuki. "Well if you didn't make Toritos we wouldn't be losing our house!" ( you know who this is☺️) You saw a boy but.. with bunny ears?! You ran up to him. " Aww! You have bunny ears!!" You exclaimed. Yuki grabbed your hand and said "Sorry Sam, she's new so...." " Oh it's fine.." You realized he had a light pink tint on his cheeks. "I'm sorry! Also I'm Y/n." You said sticking out your hand. "Sam and this is my buddy Taurtius." ( did I spell that right?)  He said pointing to a boy next him. "Hi." You said you shook his hand  and said " I like your headphones." " Thank you!"

SAMs pov

She was so pretty.. Her h/c ( hair color) bounced and her e/c (eye color) eyes sparkled. I look at Taurtius. He looks back with a face that says" you like her!" I nod slightly. He gasps. "Is something wrong?" Y/n and Yuki said at the same time. "No no nothing's wrong..." He trailed off. " Well wanna walk to school with us?" Yuki asked. "Sure." I replied. We started walking. Taurtius leaned in and said in a whisper " ( your ship name)"

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