Rant on Twilight: All people welcomed.

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Alright peeps...i got something to rant about today: i.e Twilight

Now, now all you Twilight fans if you are going to get all wrathful over someones minute oppinion i suggest you leave this page right now, 'cause i aint dealing with this shit.


Well, I loved the series. I did. The thick love going on between Bella and Edward, but I've got to say a few things.

Why do they fall in love so fast [ dont get me wrong bcuz i learned that after i made my characters fall inlove ] i mean seriously! Doesn't that make you feel slightly dazed and perplexed?

Theres not much to say about the book although i liked it and i could imagine how the bella looked- how edward looked. Everything

But now the stupid ass mother fuckin movie comes out...

When i tell u they chose the most worse characters ever! I mean, really!?!?

#1 edward is so mofo'in hideous that i think he falled from an ugly tree and was then beat by an ugly stick

#2 bella is sooo0o0o ugly... Its unbelieveable, no really.have u seen her?!? Shes supposed to be pretty! Not look like the back-ass of a camel who's just sat in there own shit!

#3 what is up with Edward and the sparkling skin thing?! It doesnt look like glitter it looks like he has a severe sweating problem. What the f-

#4 i never though i could see throw the acting going on but therr acting is jist so bad that if u even got the best coaches in there to even how to act they would still suck balls

#5 and whats up with the race thing going on? NO PEOPLE! iM NOT SAYING STEPHANIE MEYER IS RACIST?!? Actually im pointing this out for 97% of books that ive read. Well no wait 99%. Every single solatary story ive ever read ... Has caucasion people for the main character. No offense! Seriously people! But DONT tell me u havnt noticed that... Me i like to make my characters mixed. Neiter black or white. Sort of like me..im african american french indian and spanish. And i did read a book on here that had Black people bit it was so iggnorant and ghetto looking that i was actually offended. Sayin stuff like "NIggah gecho ass up in heya!" yes i can say that word because basically overall im black.

Dont go ape shit

Leave ur opinions, and critisism.

Sorry for the spelling errors. Im on iphone

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2009 ⏰

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