The One That Got Away

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3Years Later


There was a dark, gloomy cloud that seemed to follow me around for months after Bella left. The first three months in Nashville were spent with rain-infested days that reminded me so much of home, and  her. I fell head first into my music; I spent most of my time in a recording studio with only a few hours to sleep, trying to distract myself from the thoughts of her. To say that sleep was my friend like it is to most people would be an understatement. Nope, for this Indian it was just haunting memories of what I'd lost. Emptiness. That's what I felt. Without Bella, it isn't much of a life worth living. That girl took something from within me when she walked out that door three years ago. As much as I tried to move on after the first year and I met plenty of women, but none of them were my Bells. It was just a void that couldn't be filled; I think this is my own rendition of Karma to say the least.

When they say "what goes around comes around" well that is one for the books cause they hit the nail on the head with that one.  Yea, it's all on this big boy; I, as a man will live the rest of my life trying to get forgiveness for my fuck ups. I will never truly be able to explain in words what or how much she means to me. I thought that I knew what I wanted, but after growing up a little, I now realized a lot of her actions were because of the things I did or the way that I handled the situation. Even though my Bells was ready for me, I was nowhere near ready for her. I was an immature lil'punk that thought you could fix anything with nice words and good fuck, but with her things need to be handled delicately and I failed to realize that she wasn't just any other woman. Bella was the only girl that I ever saw, I mean like really saw. I always knew she was the one that I could settle down and grow old with since we were kids, but I just took her for granted. You don't know a good thing till it's gone.



"Hey Bro. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing, same shit different day. What do you want Paul?"

"Why is it your damn ass is always thinking I want something? Damn dude that's how much you think of me, never mind that I knew you before you were famous or that fact that I am your brother-in-law."

"You're right man." I commented, totally annoyed.

"I know I am always right, just ask your sister."

"I think I'd rather not." I chuckled.

"So anyways are you still coming this weekend, you know your dad will kill you if you don't come home for the Fourth?"

"Yea, I have some last minute things to put together but I will definitely be there this weekend."

"Cool, well the boys and I are planning on doing a bonfire/cookout so are you down with that?"

"Yea sure, sounds great. I'll see you guys this weekend."

"Alright later Bro, just a heads up Charlie will be here."

"And what is Chief Swan going to do, arrest me? Yea, Paul I think not.  Later Man."

Hanging up the phone, I leaned back into the couch and glanced at the ceiling. Sighing I sat up, grabbed my notebook and pen, dragged my guitar to my lap and drummed my thumbs along the frame while humming. I snatched the pen from my mouth and jotted the first lyrics that came to mind.

We are

Nothing without love

We are

Nothing without love

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