Chap 5- Messes and more messes

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Maggie's mom was driving the triangle to the movies with one point left about 7 miles back... (not literally) was in the front the 'touching' points were in the back...

They started talking about their summer trip to california and the Netherlands and a surprise guest that they announced during the car ride when I blew my gasket..

"let me out of the car" I said to Maggie's mom

"but we're only 2 min away" she said in her curious tone

"I don't care I'm not going" I unlocked the door myself got out and walked toward home I knew what I was doing and so did Bailey....

She got out with me and stormed to catch up....

I sat down on the middle of a rock about 2 ft from the highway and she sat down in the grass next to me...

"ok whats up" she said

"the fucking damn sky" I answered with my cry voice coming on

"no im serious"

"Isn't it fucking obvious bitch?!"

She thought and looked at me and I got up and ran far away far far away I didn't know where I was but she found me due to my uncontroluble sobs

She sat down and talked to me in her little kid voice

Her exact words were--

Sam... I didn't know it bothered you that much I'm sorry and... And.. And I'm sorry I'll get rid of her and do everything but I'm not losing my Sammy girl

"bitch please..." I said "your lying... Your too late anyways your 'Sammy girl' is gone..gone for good don't speak to me ever again I got a better life than you!"

she cried and I looked at her and started with her and told heri didn't mean it and she said

" I know but I got jealous and things"

"fine I said but ditch her cuz Sasha is upset to"


"cuz her friend is gone"

"oh and I heard about trent"

"u did?!!!"

"I think he will ask u out"

"you too are cute for eachother"

"b I'm glad things are back to the way there supposed to be cuz I like it this way..."

"me to sam"

"I didn't like that shitty mess we were in anyway"


We laughed and laughed and walked home and the next day we got on the bus and I was excited for winter break...


Please comment on how you thought the book was please and thanks!!

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