C H A P T E R 11

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C H A P T E R 11

Dean's POV

After setting up the summoning and everything was in place, Crowley appeared in the devil's trap, looking startled as ever. He gasped, then glared at us, his face turning beet red.
"What the Hell do you want?" He snarled, and I took a step closer, towering over him.
"I want Delaware back." I said in a low, gravelly tone. Crowley sighed, clearly annoyed, and shrugged.
"She escaped Hell, once again. Didn't you know this? I'd thought she'd be with you." Crowley said, trying to play it off. I shook my head.
"Tell me everything, Crowley. Or you'll be strapped to a chair, saying your prayers." I vowed threateningly. Crowley sighed once more, trying to suppress a smirk.
"Well, she went to Hell, and then she got out of there, the first time, by making a deal. Now, she–" I interrupted Crowley, and he shut his mouth, his words lingering in the air.
"Made a deal? With you? What's the deal?" I pestered, taking a step closer. Crowley chuckled.
"She made a deal to come back. If she left, she'd become one of mine and gave to check in every once and a while."
My mind was swimming with thoughts. His? Become one of his? My immediate thought was, "Oh, that's kinky." Then my follow up thought was, "What the hell?!"
Bobby finally spoke up.
"What in the hell do you mean, one of yours? This ain't some demon sex slave sort of shit, is it?" Crowley's face reddened, and he scoffed.
"No. No!" He sputtered.
"We all know what you sold your soul for, Crowley." Sam sassed, and I smirked, looking at Sam and he gave me a smirk back. Bobby shook his head.
"Anyways, we can't track her because she either smashed her phone or some weird crap happened. Don't you have a tag on her?" I asked, beginning to get even more impatient. What if she's in danger? She's gotta be lonely out there.
"No, Dean, I don't. She's just scheduled for regular, daily check-ins to Hell. That's how I keep track of her. It would be creepy to be watching her like that." Crowley said, and I rolled my eyes.
"Even more creepy then what you already do?" Sam replied.
I had enough of Crowley's bullshit. I was wasting time. I needed to find Delaware, and fast.
"So, you can't track her at all?" I asked, and Crowley shook his head.
"No, squirrel. The next time I'll see her is tomorrow, for her check in. That's all I can tell you." Crowley answered, and my shoulders slumped.

"I guess I'll have to go to Hell with you."


Delaware's POV

I crouched against the concrete brick wall of an old bar, a dumpster blocking the cold wind of the night. I shivered, my hair tangled and wet, sticking to my face. I was completely drenched, my shoes and bottoms of my jeans soaked with rain and mud. I leaned into the wall, my head resting back. All of sudden, the tears came. I started to cry, more like sob. Why did this shit have to happen to me? Dying, going to Hell, then becoming a damn demon. And then running away from Dean. I had a chance with Dean. Now I have no chance at... At anything.
Look at me, I'm a weak mess. I never thought I could have stooped this low. I've hit rock bottom.

My feet slip in the gravelly mud, making me hit my ass on the hard ground. Great, now my ass is soaked. I began to cry harder, the exhaustion catching up to me. My body was giving up, and even the demon part of me wasn't helping to keep me awake. My eyes began to close slowly, the dark embrace of deep sleep falling over me. Tears slid down my cold cheeks as I fell asleep in the mud, against a dumpster and a wall.


"Baby, come back. Please, I love you, Delaware. Come back, baby. Please."

"Dean, I love you. I love you so much, baby. I can't. I can't, and I'm so, so sorry. Please, forgive me. I can't come home." I spoke softly into the payphone.

"No, Del, please. I love you so much, you can't leave me. Not now, not ever. Baby, baby, no."

"I... Dean, I.. I love you so much. But I can't."

"You know what, Delaware? I hate you. I hate you so much. You're so selfish. You don't love me."

"Dean, baby, no, don't say that."

"I never want to see you again."

The line went dead.


I woke up, startled from my dream. It was so real... It felt so alive. My heart raced in my chest, my head pounding. What was I going to do? Should I phone Dean? No... What if that happens? I can't let him know where I am. Not now. Not ever.
I groaned as I stood up, my back cracking. I looked down at my attire and frowned. I need new clothes, and fast. But I have no money.
I looked down at my leg, where my knife was strapped to, underneath my pant leg.
I began looking for a thrift store nearby, and I stumbled upon a
U-Thrift, and smiled smugly. I entered, and saw a sweet, old lady at the counter. She was the only one in the entire store.
I smiled, nodding. She said good morning, but I didn't reply. I looked around the store, and picked up a pair of black jeans, a pair of cowboy boots and a grey t shirt, and I found a thick, black zip-up hoodie. I went into the change rooms and changed quickly. I dumped my clothes in the bathroom, clogging the old, dirty toilet. Walking out, the lady saw me. Oh shit. I didn't want it to come to this.

"Ma'am, stop right there! You're stealing those clothes!" She shouted, and I shook my head.

"No, miss, I'm not." I replied as I flipped up my hood and pulled out my knife. The lady shrieked, her hand on the old rotary phone.

"Oh, you don't want to do that." I threatened, my knife glinting in the artificial light of the store.

The lady nodded slowly before fainting, falling backwards. I strapped my knife back into my leg and slowly walked out of the store, making sure not to grab anyone's attention. Then, I broke into a sprint.

Dean's bound to hear this on the news.



um hi i am SO SORRY for not updating in 1600 years omg!!! hopefully this chapter will make you forgive me (haha no)



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