Lets Go Over Some Things

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District 1: Pewdie & Marzia

District 2: ChaoticMonkey & Tobuscus

District 3: Sky & Deadlox (Sky=SkydoesMinecraft)

District 4: TrueMU & HuskyMUDKIPZ

District 5: Ian & Anthony (Smosh)

District 6: Dan & Phil (Danisnotonfire & AmazingPhil)

District 7: LindseyStomp & MattyB

District 8: Alex & Roi (WassabiProductions)

District 9: OlanRogers & JulianSmith

District 10: ShaneDawson & SeaNanners

District 11: Charlieissocoollike & Ray William Johnson

District 12 : Jack & Finn (JacksGap)

Hey Guys!!! So as you can tell, this, is the YouTuber Hunger Games!

 So..i thought i should explain some things to you guys!

If your youtuber/s are not in here:

Its either because i don't wanna write their death (I'm a fangirl...other fangirls can relate)

Or because i just don't know about them!! Before i begin writing this...give me any youtubers you would like to see in the Hunger Games and i might consider them!!

The districts do NOT matter. I do acknowledge that in The Hunger Games, 1 is the 'Highest" district and 12 is the 'lowest' district...so if your favorite YouTuber is not in a 'higher' district...don't worry!!! Everything is going to be the same. Basically they're all going to be similar to District 12.

--also i would like YOU guys to decide who wins and how many people win!! Give me How many people, who, and why you would like them to win--

POV's -

District 1: Pewdiepie (Pewds, Pewdie)

District 2: ChaoticMonki (Cry)

District 3: SkydoesMInecraft (Sky)

District 4: HuskyMUDKIPZ (Husky)

District 5: Anthony

District 6: Dan

District 7: LindseyStirling (Lindsey)

District 8: Alex

District 9: OlanRogers (Olan)

District 10: ShaneDawson (Shane)

District 11: Charlieissocoollike (Charlie)

District 12: JacksGap (Jack)

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