District 1: Pewdie & Marzia
District 2: ChaoticMonkey & Tobuscus
District 3: Sky & Deadlox (Sky=SkydoesMinecraft)
District 4: TrueMU & HuskyMUDKIPZ
District 5: Ian & Anthony (Smosh)
District 6: Dan & Phil (Danisnotonfire & AmazingPhil)
District 7: LindseyStomp & MattyB
District 8: Alex & Roi (WassabiProductions)
District 9: OlanRogers & JulianSmith
District 10: ShaneDawson & SeaNanners
District 11: Charlieissocoollike & Ray William Johnson
District 12 : Jack & Finn (JacksGap)
Hey Guys!!! So as you can tell, this, is the YouTuber Hunger Games!
So..i thought i should explain some things to you guys!
If your youtuber/s are not in here:
Its either because i don't wanna write their death (I'm a fangirl...other fangirls can relate)
Or because i just don't know about them!! Before i begin writing this...give me any youtubers you would like to see in the Hunger Games and i might consider them!!
The districts do NOT matter. I do acknowledge that in The Hunger Games, 1 is the 'Highest" district and 12 is the 'lowest' district...so if your favorite YouTuber is not in a 'higher' district...don't worry!!! Everything is going to be the same. Basically they're all going to be similar to District 12.
--also i would like YOU guys to decide who wins and how many people win!! Give me How many people, who, and why you would like them to win--
POV's -
District 1: Pewdiepie (Pewds, Pewdie)
District 2: ChaoticMonki (Cry)
District 3: SkydoesMInecraft (Sky)
District 4: HuskyMUDKIPZ (Husky)
District 5: Anthony
District 6: Dan
District 7: LindseyStirling (Lindsey)
District 8: Alex
District 9: OlanRogers (Olan)
District 10: ShaneDawson (Shane)
District 11: Charlieissocoollike (Charlie)
District 12: JacksGap (Jack)
The YouTube Hunger Games *ON HOLD*
Action(Co-op With @Not_my_division)All of your favorite YouTubers brought together, but not to be friends. But to kill. The YouTuber Hunger Games will be filled with suspense... read more to find out who wins!