"Ah fine I'll talk to you later Officer Cavanaugh"

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Yes another Spoby book that I just had to write, This is about a 2 year skip since they found out who A was. They've moved out of Rosewood and now live in London, Hope you like it Xxx

"Toby you home?" I call out shutting the front door of mine and Toby's two story house my phone starts ringing in the pocket of my denim jeans I smile as I see the photo of Toby and I sitting on the beach together as the contact photo I quickly answer It bringing it to my ear "Hey" I smile hearing his sweet voice booming through the phone

"Hey where are you? I was hoping you'd be home" I groan placing my bags on the coffee table sitting on the cold bench

"I got called into work I'll be out in an hour though" He mumbles my smile fades his work was getting in the way of everything lately

"Ah fine, I'll talk to you later Officer Cavanaugh" I laugh hoping off the bench unpacking my groceries I hear a laugh in the back ground before he says anything "Bye Baby" I hang up smirking I feel a hand on my shoulder i spin around with a smiling Hanna in front of me. "HANNA!" I yell excitedly she giggles opening her arms I jump into them hugging the life out of her I hadn't seen Hanna since Caleb's funeral after he died and that was 1 year ago. We both pull away smiling "I'm so glad you're here what are you doing here in London?" I ask raising both eyebrows while we continue to pack away our groceries

"I don't really know I'd had it in New York after Caleb died I-I wanted to stay there to grieve in my own way. And then I finally realised that Caleb wasn't coming back and That I needed to get on with my life" Hanna admits my heart was breaking for her if I lost Toby who knows where I'd be.

"I'm happy for you Hanna he'd be proud" She nods appreciative sitting on a stool as we'd finish putting the things away. I remember Caleb's death like it was yesterday

"So where's Toby?" She asks putting her hands together in her lap

"He's working will only be maybe an hour, Why?"

"Missed him I guess, missed everyone that I pushed away" She frowns regretfully her eyes filling with tears I brush them off her beautiful face.

"Stay here for a while till you know what you wanna do" I say she gives me a small smile and pulls me into another hug I missed this I missed Her.

"Love you Spence"
"Love you Hanna"
I walk into the kitchen hearing a girls laugh no make that 2 girls laughs I walk in and instantly grin spotting Hanna sitting on the bench still smiling at me. "Toby" She gasps running into my arms I spin her around so happy to see her it'd Been ages since I'd seen Hanna. I drop her back on the ground smiling at her she looked different I couldn't tell what was she just looked different. Spencer walks over I smirk pulling her towards me gripping her hip kissing her soft lips we pull away both smiling at each other.

"I'm really really tired, I'll see you guys in the morning" She yawns kissing both our cheeks walking upstairs so she was staying here good.

"An Hour? You've been gone for more than an hour" She mumbles smacking my chest playfully I laugh and wrap my arms around her waist kissing her deep and passionately she laughs between kisses separating her lips from mine, They explore her neck aggressively before it can get any further she pulls away smiling.

"I love you, But you need a shower you stink" She scrunch's her nose in disgust Yeah nice try Spencer. I pull her back towards me not caring how bad I smell deep down she would of liked it "Well then I'm gonna have to take a shower, care to Join?" She smirks but shakes her head I growl running my hands up and down her thighs placing her down on the couch towering over her.

"I'm sorry what? Do you want to answer my question again?" I ask placing small kisses on her collar bone she sighs wrapping her arms around my neck I smirk knowing I'd won this one I pick her up bridal style walking up the stairs taking her into our room

"You truly are my weakness Toby Cavanaugh"

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