Bloody morning sickness was going to the death of me!

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"Do you think Hanna will be okay?" She asks me sitting down next to me on the lounge she was very heavily pregnant now.

"Yeah it's gonna take quite some time but she'll be okay one day she'll be able to let go" She nods I rest my hand on her belly rubbing it I couldn't wait until this little boy was out of her.

"Can't believe this everything is Perfect, You, me this little guy!" Spencer grins I reach an hand around the back of her neck pressing our lips together in a sweet rough kiss

"God I can't wait until that baby is out of you" She moans roughly I laugh she stands up walking into the kitchen

"Well we've still got months to go Toby so you're going to be waiting a while!" She calls back laughing

"No Toby I'll be fine okay" I groan leaning against the wall after throwing up in the toilet Bloody morning sickness was going to the death of me!

"Spencer I don't know" Toby mumbles kneeling down on both knees with a worried expression I laugh pecking his soft lips "I'll be fine okay i'll call you if I need anything" Toby raises an eyebrow "Promise?" I giggle nodding "Promise" I seal it with a kiss he nods leaving I stand back up wiping my mouth staring at my massive belly with only underwear and Toby's massive black t-shirt on.

5 hours later

I lay down on my bed grabbing my phone deciding to call my mum It rings for a bit before she answers "Spencer hi honey how are you?" I sigh heavily missing the sound of my mum's voice

"I'm good just this whole pregnancy thing is doing my absolute head in. I knew it wasn't going to be easy but wow oh by the way we found out what the gender is" I smirk waiting for her response the line stays quiet for a moment

"Oh god tell me I have to know!" I giggle picturing mum's face begging me to tell her

"Okay okay it's a boy!"

"Oh Honey I'm so happy for you both that's amazing!"

"Yeah thanks mum can I call you back someone is trying to call me"

"No worries Honey bye"

"Bye mum" I hang up checking the caller Id before I answer it but it was a private number

"Hello Spencer speaking"

"Oh Spencer hi it's Tanner"

"Tanner hi"

"Um where are you?"

"I'm at home"

"Honey I have something to tell you" My hearts starts to pound she sounded sad what was wrong? What happened?

"It's Toby" My heart stops
"He's been shot"

"MEET ME AT THE HOSPITAL!" I hang up crying getting into my car driving to the hospital

He's gonna be fine Okay he's going to be fine

"WHERE IS HE?!?" I hear Spencer's voice I run out of Toby's room looking for her I instantly spot her heavily pregnant, She runs over to me crying I run a hand down her face "Spencer, Sweetie come on" I guide her into Toby's room she gasps clamping a hand over her mouth crying again she starts to shake I panic that she will fall so I hold her up.

"What happened?" She croaks out her grip on my hand tightening it was killing me to see her like this

"We're were chasing these guys after they had robbed the grill when the pulled out there gun Toby pushed me out of the way and the bullet hit him instead" Guilt runs through me he could die now he could die because he took a bullet for me

The doctor walks in Spencer pulls away regaining her balance back standing next to Toby's bed holding his hand tight "Any news?"
She asks holding his hand tight looking at me hopeful

"I'm afraid not good news Miss Hastings, Toby is in a induced Coma" Spencer lets out a sob staring at the doctor with pain and sadness in her eyes

"Is there a chance he'll wake up?" I ask staring at Toby he couldn't die on me he couldn't die now I never got to say thank you he was going to be a dad soon

"There's a chance, but there's also a chance that he'll never wake up"
Toby in a induced coma?!?!

Do you think he'll survive?

Or do you think this is the end for Toby?



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