You have been friends with the boys for about two years now. You’ve had a really good relationship with them, especially Harry. You would Skype, call or text them when they were on tour. You’ve always had the biggest crush on Harry but you’ve kept it a secret from him, except all the boys know it. The boys were going on a tour in a few days so you decide to hang out with them and watch movies. They were coming over in a bit so you hurry to get everything and throw on your pajamas so you’re comfy.
*** 20 minutes later ***
The boys were finally at your house and you told them you had forgotten something upstairs and needed to get it. You have been up there for quite some time now and the boys are anxious so Harry decides to go up stairs and check on you. What you don’t know is your waiting for a surprise of a life time.
You had posters of the boys in your room and you were going to tell harry how you felt butterflies couldn’t get the nerve to so you practiced on a poster of him. You started speaking to it not knowing Harry was in the doorway listening.
“Harry you have been my best friend for a long time and I have a confession to tell you, ever since I met you and the boys I knew there was something special about you and since then I have always loved you. I have never had the nerve to actually tell you, but I know you have met other girls and it makes me jealous but I know you won’t ever feel the same way about me……… I love you” then you kiss it.
You were just sitting on the floor than you heard a laugh then a voice, and you knew it was Harry. You sat there paralyzed like a stone. Then ran to the corner and hid your face because your were scared of his response
“(YN) I love you too. I have always had a crush on you since the first time too. I’m glad we both feel the same way about each other. I have been nervous wondering if you ever felt the same way, but I knew you would love me for Being me, not just for my fame and money. You are my best friend.”
He walks over to you and lifts up your face and says
“(YN) will you be my girlfriend?”
You look into his beautiful green eyes and said
“Yes Harry I would love to”
“Good and now that we’re dating you don’t have to kiss that poster anymore.”
You blush and kiss him on the lips
“Let’s go down stairs babe” you say
Then Harry puts you over his shoulder and brings you downstairs, you were laughing and shouting
“Styles put me down, or I’ll tickle you.”
You get downstairs and the boys are just staring at you and you laugh and say
“Now now boys staring is rude”
You kiss Harry and you see Louis nudge Liam and say
“I think they’re dating”
You smile and nod.
You spent the rest of the night in Harry’s arms.