Niall Imagine *

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ou wake up in the middle of the night crying, you look at the clock at it reads 3:51 a.m you look over and you see Niall your beautiful boyfriend beside you and he’s awake now because he heard you crying. He asks you what’s wrong.

“I had the worst dream ever Niall” you reply 

“What was it about?” he said tiredly 

“I had a dream about that we got into a fight.” you say choking on your words to keep back the tears ” and you screamed you never really loved me and left forever.” At this point you were balling and Niall sat up and held you for a really long time and said 

“(YN) I could never leave you, ever since I met you I was the happiest person ever. You are my everything, I love how you can be yourself around me and when I’m sad all I have to do is look at you beautiful smile and I’m happy again. I also love that I am able to call you my princess and know you will always be for me even when I’m on tour. Now get some sleep we’re going out tomorrow.”

You laid in bed wondering what he was planning for you two but you knew it was going to be wonderful, than you drifted off to sleep.

             Finally it’s morning, you looked at the clock and it read 11:00 a.m. You were thankful that Niall let you sleep in so long and you were going to thank him after you got a shower and got ready.

When you were out of the shower you put on a beautiful pink summer dress that Niall gave you for your last birthday. It had yellow and green flowers and was up to your knees. You went to the kitchen to thank him for letting you sleep in so late, you went around the corner and there he was and he saw you and he dropped his food he was making and ran up and hugged you and spun you around and said

 ”(YN) you look beautiful like usual”

You smile at him. And ask him what the plans were for tonight.

“It’s a secret Babe, but I can tell you that we are going to dinner than the rest is a secret.” He replied 

“Hmm let me guess we’re going to Nando’s for dinner.” you say than laugh

“How do you know!?!” he asks 

“I just know aha ” you laugh 

            It’s now 5:30 and your getting ready for you dinner date with your boyfriend Will for your two year anniversary. You have half an hour to do so. You wear a cute navy blue dress that goes past your knees and your black heels. You curled your hair and now you’re ready. You loom at your clock it’s now 6:00 p.m and you walk down stairs and Niall is looking for his keys and says 

“Babe are you ready to go?”

You laugh and held up the keys 

“Are these what you’re looking for?”

Niall looks up and his jaw drops

“(YN) you look absolutely stunning! And yes those are them”

You laugh and give him a hug and kiss him. 

           It’s now 7:00 p.m and you and Niall are going to the secret location. Niall helps you into the car and then blindfolds you so you can’t see the location. You roll your eyes and laugh 

“Okay Babe but not too tight I don’t want it to hurt”

“I promise, I can never hurt my princess.” He says in his cute Irish accent.

You sit in the passenger seat for what seems like ages until you finally stop and Niall helps you out of the car and walks you to the spot. He takes off the blindfold and your in the place you first met. Two years ago you met on this very bridge feeding the ducks and a cute blonde boy came up to you and and asked if he could join you and you said yes and then realized it was Niall Horan from your favorite band One Direction. The bridge was lit up with candles and the moonlight. Than suddenly you hear voices singing Gotta Be You and you turn around and you see Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn. Than you turn around and see Niall kneeling on one knee and he pulls out a box from his pocket and he opens it and there is the most beautiful ring you have ever seen. You are standing there in shock and the boys are surrounding you two .

“(YN) I feel in love the first time I saw you, I am so grateful that I decided to go for a walk in the park that day or I would have never met you. I love everything about you and know how to make me feel better when I’m down. I am also grateful that I can come home from anywhere especially a tour and know you will be there and in my arms as soon as we met again, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and for you to always be my princess. So (YN) will you do the honours of marrying me and being the future Mrs. Horan.”

You are just standing there trying to process everything that has just happened. Everything goes silent and Niall is starting to get nervous. 

“Of course. ” You finally manage to say

All the boys start to clap and you and Niall couldn’t be happier. 

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