First Christmas

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"It's her first Christmas here, we have to make it special."

It was the middle of the night. Haymitch was at Katniss and Peeta's house, where the three of them had gathered around the table.

"Of course." Katniss said, agreeing with Haymitch. "It's Effie, after all."

"What did you do last year?" Peeta asked, frowning as Katniss and Haymitch shared a look as they tried in vain to stifle their laughs.

"I'll tell you later." Katniss shook her head, smiling at the memory.

Last year, they had all been in District 13. It was the first Christmas Effie was spending out of the Capitol and she had been rather down about it, so Katniss and Gale had promised Haymitch they would sort something out to surprise her. In the end, they surprised both of them as they hung a piece of mistletoe over the doorway to Effie's compartment before sending Haymitch to see her on the pretence that Effie had asked to see him.

Peeta, who had been recovering in the hospital at the time, looked between Katniss and Haymitch before shrugging, shaking his head in amusement. There was silence for a few moments as they tried to think of what to do.

"Maybe a tree?" Katniss suggested. "We couldn't get one last year, so that might be nice."

"Yes." Peeta nodded. "I can make up some decorations as well."

"I think Effie might have had a box of ornaments back at her place in the Capitol." Haymitch nodded thoughtfully. "I could see if Plutarch can send them over."

"What about some baking?" Katniss asked, looking at Peeta. "Effie always loves the cakes you make."

"I'm sure I can come up with something." Peeta nodded, grinning.

Later, when they had finished planning, Haymitch went back to his house.

He went up the stairs quietly, pushing open the bedroom door and wincing as the hinges creaked.

Thankfully the blonde haired woman in the bed didn't stir, even as Haymitch crept around the room getting ready for bed. Finally, he slipped under the covers, wrapping an arm around a still sleeping Effie. He smiled softly.

He hoped he could make this Christmas special for her. She had already made it special for him, just by being here.

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