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More snow fell overnight, so when Haymitch and Effie woke the following morning they found that all tracks made from the previous day had been well and truly covered.

It was after lunch when they decided to venture outside, and Katniss and Peeta joined them soon after. Having already had a snowball fight the previous day, they didn't feel the need to repeat those particular antics – though that's not to say no snow was thrown at all!

Instead, they decided to build a snowman.

Haymitch started to roll the large ball for the base, with Peeta creating the middle section. Effie went inside in search of an old scarf and hat, whilst Katniss headed off to find some decent branches for arms.

When Effie came back outside, she couldn't help but laugh. It seemed Haymitch had gone rather overboard and the first ball for the snowman was huge! Peeta was working hard to try and increase the size of the middle section he was making so that the snowman didn't seem quite so out of proportion.

Katniss had a similar reaction when she returned. By that point, they had managed to get the second snowball on top of the first and were starting to form the head.

When it came time to put the head on, Haymitch and Peeta had to lift up Katniss in order to get the height necessary for the task! It was quite difficult considering they were all laughing, but eventually Katniss managed to place the final snowball on top. Effie passed up the scarf and hat to her, as well as a carrot and few lumps of she had fetched to make a nose, eyes and mouth.

Once Katniss was back on the ground, she and Peeta pushed in the branches on either side of the snowman's middle section so that he had arms, whilst Haymitch and Effie used the rest of the coal lumps to make the traditional black buttons.

Without a doubt it was an impressive sight to behold when it was done. The snowman stood at least 8ft tall, towering over all of them.

As dusk fell, the family were to be found sitting outside on the marble steps of Katniss and Peeta's house, equipped with blankets and mugs of hot chocolate, admiring the view. Despite the grand height of their snowman, there was still a thick layer of snow on the ground which seemed to almost glow as it reflected the moonlight.

It was such a simple moment, and yet so perfect. Old Christmas songs that had been remembered through the years mentioned peace on Earth, but this was the first time any of them had really felt what that was like.

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