Chapter 11.2 - Training

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Stray sun rays made their way through the canopy of leaves shining a greenish light over the river. It twinkled innocently and sped towards the ocean. Birds sent their songs in the air and bugs zoomed from plant to plant.

"Come on, kid! Is that the best you can do?"

Sam tried to raise his head and look at Kyle, but at that moment, the task seemed impossible. Sweat dripped from his forehead, down the sides of his face as he put every effort into standing. His knees shook. The pulse drumming in his ears covered the sound of the flowing river.

"Sam, get a move on, we don't have all day!"

Sam lunged forward, aiming a punch at his brother's crossed arms. Kyle stepped back and Sam fell face down on the ground.

"Terrible," Kyle mumbled.

"Pathetic," Jimmy agreed.

Sam turned over on the musty carpet of dead plants and his two brothers appeared in his line of sight. They both had their arms crossed over their chests and were shaking their heads, their mouths a thin line.

"Give him a break. He's tired," Tom called out from the moss-covered log he was sitting on. "My turn to train."

"Not until Jerry gives you the go," Kyle said.

Tom snorted. "Since when do you care about what Jerry says?"

"Since he's right," Kyle snapped and crouched next to Sam. "You should learn how to throw a real punch, Sam. You're pretty decent at dodging and parrying and hitting like a girl, but you don't know how to swing your body for full effect."

Sam blinked. "Didn't I break that guy's nose? I can throw a decent punch."

"We're not fighting teenagers in parks anymore, kid. Even Kay hits harder than you, for crying out loud!"

"Really? Did she hit you?" Jimmy asked, grinning.

"Irrelevant." Kyle grabbed Sam's arm and yanked him off the ground.

Sam's knees buckled again, but he strived to hold his vertical position. He squared his shoulders, eyeing Kyle warily, wondering what he was up to now.

"I'm going to demonstrate what a proper hit looks like." Kyle bent his knees slightly and raised his fists. "Now, notice how my body is tense and my weight is distributed equally on my feet. When you hit, you'll want to do it with your whole body. Block."

Sam tilted his head, trying to memorize Kyle's instructions when, all of a sudden, everything around him went black. Warmth spread through his body, and sparkly stars filled his vision. His head was swimming, but his body didn't hurt anymore. It was a most pleasant sensation, like the one before drifting off to much deserved sleep. He would've liked to go to sleep, but the voices bothered him. As he frowned, the darkness turned into blinding white light, and the sparkles became fireworks that stung his eyes.

"...honestly, I'm starting to think that Jerry has a point."

"I told him to parry. It's not my fault he's a pansy."


"I was only kidding. Of course I'm worried about him. Here, try this."

Sam turned his head, trying to make some sense of what he was hearing, but the fact that he couldn't see was unnerving. He could feel water on his face and together with it, colors started forming shapes in front of his eyes.

"I think he's coming round," Tom said.

"No, I'm fine. I just got a little confused." Sam tried to sit up, but somehow he couldn't pull his body together.

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