Chapter 8.1 - The Ruby

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Chapter Eight

The Ruby

"Herrison!" Sam got to his knees. He scanned the floor to check for potential raised tiles, then scuttled to Herrison, sticking to the center line of the chess table. If his interpretation of the hieroglyphs was correct, he should be safe.

He reached Herrison and turned him over, trying to keep his entire body on the safe path. Blood dripped down his pants. Deep gashed marred both his legs, right above the knees.

"What the hell were you thinking, running through a booby trapped room?" Okay, that's not what he wanted to say. "Are you okay?" There, that's what he actually meant. "No!" He raised his hand to stop the others from stepping on the chess table. "Stick to the line we're on."

Herrison moaned and Sam helped him sit up.

Jerry knelt next to them and put his hands above and below Herrison's wound, analyzing it. "This is not good. The cut is deep." He looked at Sam with wide eyes. "He has to go."

"Go? Wait, what do you mean go?" Herrison looked from one to the other.

"I mean..." Jerry swallowed. "Our first aid supplies are not enough. You need stitches and a sterile environment."

"Out of the question." Herrison made to stand, but his legs wouldn't hold him. He screamed in pain. "I can't leave you kids alone."

Sam's pulse drummed in his temple. He knew that, but Jerry was right. If they didn't get Herrison out of there, losing both his legs would be the better turn out. Everything got infected in the jungle. He rubbed his own bleeding shoulder. The wound stung, but he ignored it.

"You don't have a choice." Jerry's voice shook even if he tried to keep a stern, professional tone.

"Listen to Jerry, man," Jimmy said, putting his hand on Herrison's shoulder. "There's a good chance you'll die. We'll be fine. We'll get the ruby and be right behind you."

Sam had no idea if Jimmy was really that confident or he was just trying to get Herrison out of there.

"But I... you'll..." Herrison looked desperately from one to the other. Sweat dripped down the sides of his face. "I can wait another day."

"Another day can make all the difference." Jerry searched the supply rucksack for bandages. "I'll clear this up best I can, but you should go immediately." He took out disinfectant, then took Herrison's pulse and let out a low whistle. "Sorry, but this is going to really hurt. Your adrenaline rush is over."

"My what?" Herrison started yelling all of a sudden as if someone was torturing him.

Jimmy and Jerry picked him up and led him off the chess table.

Sam followed them to safety, trying to come up with a solution. Herrison couldn't walk. Both his legs were useless. He needed at least two people to go with him, people able to carry him. And that narrowed down the options dramatically. "Professor, you and Carlos should get Herrison out of here. Take the mule with you. We'll catch up after we're done here." At least his voice didn't come out trembling.

The professor stared at him with an incredulous expression. "And who might read the symbols for you?"

"I'll take care of that." Sam tried not to sound sarcastic, but wasn't sure he'd managed it. They had a better chance at surviving without the professor misinterpreting stuff.

"Have it your way." He shrugged way too easily and helped Carlos lift Herrison.

"Don't worry about us, we'll be fine," Tom said, patting Herrison's shoulder. He didn't seem to feel it. His face was screwed up in pain, his eyes shut tightly. He moaned once Carlos and the professor led him out of the room.

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