Chapter 6: Calypso Revealed

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Barbossa, Tia Dalma and I are standing in the bow of the ship.

"I don't reneg on a bargain once struck.  But we agreed on ends only, the means are mine to decide." Barbossa reached out to stroke Tia's hair.

She grabbed his wrist, "Caution, Barbossa." 

I pulled out my pistol and pointed it at her, "Get your hands off him."

She whipped her head around, "Do not treaten me Sylvia Emerald!  You no longer have de protection of Davy Jones.

"How..." I was surprised she knew about the deal in the first place.

"I know des tings." Tia smiled and turned back to Barbossa, "Do not forget it was by my power you return from the dead, or what it means should you fail me."

She squeezed his wrist and his hand became skeletal, she released him and started to walk away.

Barbossa turned and grabbed her, roughly pulling her back, "And don't ye be forgetin' why ye had ta bring me back, and why I couldn't leave Jack to his well deservin' fate.  It took nine pirate lords to bind you, Calypso.  And it'll take no less than nine to set ye free."

She's Calypso!

Barbossa called to the other side of the ship, "Masters Pintel and Ragetti." they came over and he gestured to Calypso, "Take this... fishwife, to the brig."

"Right this way, Mrs. Fish." Pintel led her away and I rolled my eyes.

Barbossa was studying his hand, it had returned to it's normal form, but he was shocked to have seen it's cursed form again, I walked up behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.

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