Chapter 1 : Life Sucked

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Dipper had hated his life since he could remember.

Everyday he had to walk down that dirty hallway with eyes glued to his back. He couldn't hear them but he knew they were talking behind him. When his arms and fingers formed what he called communication, those ignorant assholes called it "magic tricks" and said he was using one of those mysterious spell of him on them. He ignored them half the time but the other half when they even got physical with Mabel like pulling her hair and poking her, calling her shits for hanging out with her "disabled twin", he would get really mad and ended up pounding the fucker's head to the locker. Didn't work out very well for his lack of strength and the fact that they always traveled in group but atleast he got to swing a hit or two.

Despite the dozen bruises and scars he recieved, he was happy as hell when those dicks got hauled away to the principal's office with few of his traces on them. What he wasn't very happy about is the privilege he'd got. Yeah, he knew they call it privilege for a reason but he hated it, it made him felt useless, as if he wasn't good enough, not normal enough to be punished as equal. As soon as he had read Mrs. Gorny's (who he called Horny just for the sheer fun of it) lips as she said "But...", he had already knew the last part. "But I'll let you off since they started first... blah blah blah" He heard that lie almost monthly now, and god was Mrs.Horny a terrible liar. Her mouth said 'they started it' but the sad, sympathetic look on her wrinkly face said 'since you're deaf and all that, I feel reeeealllly sorry for you, so I'll let you go'

He hated that look. Practically everyone he had met had that look on them, except for Mabel. If they didn't have it, they would probably have the 'I dispise you because you're different' look. Either way, he hated how people look at him. He just couldn't understand why it was so fucking difficult to accept someone as they are and accept that they're functioning pretty fucking normal too. I mean, shit, half the kid there had even done ten times more disfunctional shit than he'd ever done, like that kid once stabbed another one with a pencil just because he was fucking hungry.

Life sucked for Dipper Pines. A chain of misfortune and pity filled in the blanks of where his ears should had been as he roamed the hall with his head down and his hands tucked in his hoodie

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