My Days

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Everyday I reached out

For someone, something

No one listened

While I tried telling them I was sick

They just brushed away my words

Like an irritable tick

I wished they'd realize my brilliant blue eyes were draining away

I couldn't eat

So I starved

I slept longer during the day and wrote my life to the night

My heart cold, dead, not even beating

I would pass time with my music

I wish I wasn't so far gone

Dreaming about you makes my bloodshot eyes burn once more

I would give anything to see you smile

To tell me new things and make me laugh

I miss your blue eyes

And how they made me feel limp

I miss your brown hair

I miss the curve of your lips

I miss your laugh

Your jokes

Your very essence

I miss the creep of your blush spread across your face

I miss your hand interlaced with mine

I miss you so much that some days are hard to breathe

These are my days...

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