Actions Speak Louder then Words [Part 2]

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So since quite a few have requested it, i decided i would write a part 2 to this. When i first wrote it i never intended it to go beyond the first one, but im really glad you all like it so much! i hope you all enjoy part two just as much. be sure to leave me a comment telling me what you think and vote to please :)


Phil awoke slowly in the morning. Under his head he could feel a sort of hard surface.  Not like something hard like the ground, but not soft like a pillow. Without opening his eyes Phil ran his hand up the object. Quickly opening his eyes he noticed it was Dan, still lying next to him, fast asleep. He watched as his best friend breathed in and out, looking ever so peaceful.  Phil had completely forgotten about the events of the night before, but it all suddenly come rushing back. Phil still looking at Dan felt different. Phil was not sure what it was, but for some reason looking at Dan was not like when he looked at Dan yesterday.  He had a strange feeling, almost like they were closer. Sure they had been best friends for 4 years so they were really close.

“Surely it can’t be anything” Phil thought to himself.

“It was just a kiss wasn’t it?” the words slowly creeping out of his mouth, he felt a warm touch on his shoulder.  

“Morning Phil” Dan mumbled quietly in his soft voice.

“He looks so perfect, the way his hair is all ruffled and he still looks sleepy” Phil thought to himself while glancing into Dan's eyes.

“So cute!” the words practically falling out of Phil's lips.

“ummm Phil, what did you just call me” he shifted onto one arm looking at Phil

“uuuhh, ummmm, eerrrggghh I, I said pancakes, we need pancakes” he quickly went to rush off.

But before Phil could get much further than the edge of the bed, Dan grabbed at Phil's wrist

“Phil wait!”

Phil turned slowly to Dan, looking more pale than normal.

“Phil what is the matter?” Dan asked very concerned, tapping the bed next to him and practically yanking Phil back onto the bed.

“I, I, I” Phil could not talk; he was a little confused at what to think and with how he was feeling.

Dan leaned in and cupped Phil's face.

“I'm very worried about you Phil” Dan gazed into Phil's deep blue eyes, melting his heart.

Phil just sat staring at Dan, unable to say a word. Leaning in a little closer to Phil, Dan waited until his lips were about 2cm’s from Phil's, his breath quite heavy and warm on his lip. He looked up at his friends face to look for any hesitation. There was none.  So still cupping Phil's face he closed the gap and kissed Phil again. Phil was a little tense at first, but eventually became in sync with Dan.

Phil raised his hands up to Dan’s hair and started playing with it. He still was not sure how to feel entirely, but all he knew was that last night was not just a kiss, it was something much bigger.

What yet, he did not know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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