Chapter Two: Confronted

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*Naomi's Point Of View*

Rushing. The sound of twigs and fallen leaves is all I can hear while i'm being ushered awy from the woods on the back of the lead wolf im guessing. I'm being taken to a house, a LARGE house night I add. Are these perimeter dogs or something because last time I checked on HUMANS lived in houses. They leave to go stand behind some trees and I'm left stand but I contemplate between running and being mauled to death or stay and have a slim chance of living. Choosing to stay put i just observe my surroundings. The giant house in front of me is more of a mansion than a house.

I hear a rustling in the bushes and I turn around to be met with five built men, very hot ones might I add. Maybe they are the owners of the wolves that were just here? Now that I think about it, where did they go? Turning to walk away and TRY to find the somewhat helpful wolves that were here just minutes ago, my bruised hand gets grabbed. Lets just say that hurt like... well it hurt a lot. The tallest and most built one which im guessing is the leader growls a low menacing growl. What he said wasn't coherent until he said it a little too loud. "Mine" is probably the only thing you could hear for miles. Birds silent, not a animal moving, you could probably hear a pin drop too.

I was in shock until I felt myself being carried inside to what I would think to be a guest room, and I'm gently laid down onto the bed. The five mysterious men disperse into different directions.Tired out from all the running and the minor concussion earlier I fall into a dark and peaceful slumber.

Awakened to the feeling of someone staring intently at me. I slowly open my eyes to be greeted with ocean blue ones filled with lust. That's when I realized my clothes were torn and in all the wrong places. My long brown luscious hair is probably equal to a bird's nest right now. So me being who I am I blush a deep scarlet red.

I stood still thinking that if I got of the bed and made my way to the bathroom SLOWLY he would never notice. So I did just that but I ended up standing on an old floor board and the creak caused his attention to flip to me. Next thing you know i'm up against a wall with his lust filled eyes staring intently at me. All of a sudden I feel this sudden urge to kiss him but I barely Know him. For all I know he could be a serial killer. So I screamed, I screamed a bone chilling scream and in seconds the other four men from earlier were in the room with pitch black eyes.

"What is wrong Naomi?" Wait a second. How the hell did he find out my name and who is he?

"Okay. 1. Who are y'all, 2. What are Y'all, and 3. Why did y'all take me here? I said with confusion and intrigue laced in my voice

The four other men that literally just barged into my room all spoke up at the same time and said "We can only answer two of your question. For your 2nd question we are highest ranking werewolves of the MoonRiver Pack. Now for your 1st question. We're are identical quadruplets Alex, Nathan, Tony, and Andrew. But only Ares can answer your 3rd question."

So so far I have found out they're Werewolves which does explain A LOT, Istanding in a room with the highest ranking werewolves in this pack, but what I still don't know is "Why am I here?"

"Ares." I say slightly below a whisper and all attention snaps to me. " I have two questions for you. 1. May I please know why I'm here and 2. Why do you keep giving me that lustful gaze?

"For your first question Naomi, You are here because you are my mate chosen by the Moon Goddess herself. We are destined to be together and for you to bare my pups. I'm the Alpha of MoonRiver and every pack needs their Luna so I sadly yet fortunately can't reject you. But for your second question, I keep giving you that lustful gaze because the Moon Goddess has made it so that we see our mates as the best looking person ever. So while I'm lustfully gazing at you I'm also holding my wolf back from marking you and making sweet, sweet love right her on the spot in front of The Quads. Basically, THe Quads are your guardians."

This feels like it's a ton to believe but for some reason I believe it One-Hundred percent. I just can't believe that I'm destined to Make Love to this good of a man in front of me. So in the time span of I'm guessing a day I've gone from being the shy, isolated, bullied girl to some girl who has four bodyguards and a HOT "Mate" at my beck and call.


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