So Much for that Crybaby [~Prolouge]

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**AN: Sooooo... Hi, you guys! >n< Sorry for not uploading and suddently just quitting like that, with Skipping Beats, but seriously... My mind was blank, and whenever I tried to write something, it all just came out badly. ;____; I really tried! But sometimes, you just need a break. Well, I still can't come up with any ideas for Skipping Beats, so I will be taking a break from it. Though, I will be writing on this story, and I will try write at least as well as I did with Skipping Beats. Now, you should know, though, that my english is not perfect. Actually, to be brutally honest with you, it's very far from perfect, and I often make pretty many grammatic little mistakes when I write. Mostly when I'm tired. And now, that I don't want to let my mother proofread it(haha, yeah, I used my mother as a proofreader. She was darn slow...), it will be visible in the text. So please, go easy on me and try to not think of it too much, 'cause I'm just a 13 year old girl from Sweden, after all.  Thank you!! **

Prolouge ~ Far, Far Away

~Lilac at age 7~

"I'm not like that..." Lilac murmured, facing the ground. "I... I'm serious. I won't back down for such a silly little mistake!", she faced Kyle with a determined look on her face.

"Oh, yeah? Such big, grown words for such a small girl...", Kyle, who was her older brother, chuckled and patted her head. "You sure are high-maintainence.", he grinned at her.

"I'm not high maintainence!" Lilac exclaimed and pouted.

"Let's stay real, hmm?", Kyle walked away, laughing out loudly, telling all of his friends about his stupid, spoiled little sister. Lilac started sobbing, sitting there, by the abandoned little fire in the glade right next to the beach. All of her classmates, friends and family were now at the beach, enjoying themselfs, laughing, carrying their big, red lanterns and singing songs and playing games, while she was sitting there, all alone and crying by herself.

Now, I should tell you that this was not really a rare scene. Actually, it happened pretty often. Lilac was, in fact, sort of a crybaby, back then, at least. She always cryed, as soon as she got just a little bit hurt or offended. She had a really close verge to her feelings. When something good happened, she was happy and laughed. When something bad happened, she cryed. When someone irritated her, she sulked... Yeah, well, you get it.

Well, Kyle didn't exactly help when he laughed at her. He always did that nowadays. He was about 11 years old and tried to "act cool" all the time. Especially when he was with his friends. They encouraged him to be mean, too, they really had bad influence on him. Don't get me wrong, he really wasn't a bad person. Kyle was a really kind person, when his friends weren't around. He always apologized in the evenings, for saying those mean things, but, well, he shoulnd't be saying them to begin with.

Well, anyways; Lilac were sitting there crying. Maybe Kyle had been right, maybe that wasn't such a little, meaningless mistake? Getting turned down by the boy she liked, and still going to the beach party, where, of course, everyone had heard of it, and then getting pushed into the water by a girl in another grade, and having everyone laughing at her, and in the end, running off to the empty glade.

"I'm such a crybaby...!" she sobbed and buried her face in her knees. Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you crying again, Lilac?" she heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear. Mary, her best friend, known in the school as "Bloody Mary", were standing right next to her, looking at her with her warm, honey eyes. Lilac gave her an attack hug, sobbing and crying. Mary was a year older than  her, and they had known each other forever. They were neighbours, and their parents were friends from high school.

When Lilac lifted her head from Mary's now pretty wet shoulder, she saw her other best friend, Damien, who also was Mary's younger brother, standing a few meters away, looking worriedly at them.

So Much for that Crybaby /ON HOLD because of MAJOR WRITERS BLOCKWhere stories live. Discover now