So Much for that Crybaby [Ch. 7]

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**AN: Okay, guys, I know it's been WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long, but I've been up to a lot of shizz. I have a lot in school right now and such(not that I don't always, though...), and it's just hard to keep up. Also, I just got off my christmas break, and I don't write during breaks for several reasons. :c It sux, I know. ;3 Soon, it'll get better, tho', when school calms down and I get used to the new classes and such. Heh. Well, here comes chapter 7~!**

Chapter 7 ~ Who We Are (Pt. 2)


When I heard the bell ring, my head jolted up from my cozy sleep in the classroom. The teacher scowled at me, but seemed to let it go. For now. I smiled and got up, yawning. Today was the day - I was soon off to the airport to pick my friends up, but I had some errands to do. Mary had been acting weird all week, and I knew for sure she was up to something. Every oportunity she got, she made sure that me and Damien got into these somewhat awkward situations. Yeah, I was going to kill her for it, but not just yet. I squinted outside the window - Nate and Zykes were playing baseball on the football court - kind of odd - and I smiled at them. Zykes seemed to notice, 'cause he waved at me and smiled. When Nate gave him confused looks, Zykes pointed at me and said something, and Nate turned to me, a huge grin on his perfect lips... Wait, did I just say perfect? Aw, damn. This was getting more and more complicated... I picked up all of my things and walked out of the classroom, being the last person to leave, except the teacher. I walked through the somewhat dull corridors, friday afternoon still being one of the best times of the year. The days and weeks seemed to fly by nowadays, and there was not much time left 'til october and Halloween. I looked around, only a few students were left in the corridor, fumbling with their lockers, talking and sorting their books.

I went to my locker, left the books that I didn't need, tooks the one's I needed, closed it and strolled outside. I walked past the football court and smiled at Nate and Zykes. Nate immedietly dropped the ball and ran to attack-hug me, but got tackled by Zykes with a baseball bat.

"Ouch!" Nate cried out, making me shriek. Zykes' arms enveloped themselves around me, causing me to giggle and Nate to complain loudly about how he wanted to be the one to hug me first. I blushed slightly and pulled myself away from Zykes' warm arms. Nate walked up to me and hugged/tried to strangle me really tightly. He nuzzled his face close to my neck.

"Can't... Breath..." I hissed and he let go, snickering.

"Just 'cause I'm nice like that.", he smirked triumphantly. I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah." I smiled and waved.

"Well, by, then, I have to go pick up my friends on the airport. Their flight is arriving in half an hour. I better get going."

They waved at me, and Zykes got one of his amazingly smart, excellent ideas and pecked me on the cheek. I shrieked when Nate followed his example, but then I punched him. I ran away and got in my car before they could run after me, and drove out of the parking lot.

About twenty minutes later, I was at the airport, by Dunkin' Donuts, ordering a bag of donuts and tea and hot chocolate. When I got my "food", I slumped down in a seat, waiting for them. The airport was nearly empty, it was too early in the afternoon for people to be flocking here, and too late for the morning flights. In the "waiting room"(**AN: Dunno what it's called in airports, but that room where you wait for your people to arrive...**), there were only five people, other than me; A woman and her two children, an old man and a stressed-looking guy who looked my age, maybe a year or so older. He was constantly checking his watch and looking around, looking for whoever he was waiting for. When his head jolted back and forth, his spiky, chocolate hair fluttered. His vibrant green eyes met mine for a second before looking away, a slight pink tint on his cream skin. I grinned a bit as I looked away from the pretty, green-eyed boy. The speakers told me that the plane was landing and it would be another ten minutes before they could get off it, and I knew for sure that picking up their bags would take them about ten more minutes. Stupid, lame-ass, late plain. I leaned back in my seat, sighing as I heard the two kids scream about candy. I went over to Dunkin' Donuts and bought myself another donut.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2012 ⏰

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