Ch. 6

59 2 6

Cinna's POV

As Zayn walked in my head snapped over to look at him. Anger and disappointment cover his face, he quickly ran and pushed Harry away while I quickly left the bedroom and went into the living room. I could hear Zayn yelling at Harry, and let me tell you this, Zayn is FURIOUS. While I was caught up in my own thoughts I didn't realize Louis sit next to me until he said something. "Hey, you alright love?" Louis asked quietly. I would've flipped out on him for 1. Hitting me earlier and 2. Asking a dumb question, but I decided to be nice-ish. "For the most part yeah, I mean except that my face hurts from you hitting me and the fact I was almost raped, yeah I guess I'm alright..." I said just loud enough for him to hear. "Oh...Uh...Sorry for hitting you....I just..was upset about something between my girlfriend and I...But I really am sorry." He replied sympethetically. "S'alright." I said. Within moments Zayn walked in with Harry and that little prick actually looked proud of himself! "Cinna, I think Harry has something to say to you.." Zayn said while glaring at Harry. "Sorry." He sighed looking annoyed. "Stupid prick." I mumbled but Harry heard cause he shot daggers at me while I just fake smiled at him. "I think I'll just go back up to your room.." I said to Zayn who didn't hear cause of his conversation with Liam and Louis. I walked back into Zayn's room and collapsed on his bed face first as I thought of every possible way I could get revenge on Harry.

*Half an Hour Later: 2:30 pm*

I feel the bed dip to my right and I feel someones hand tracing circles into my back. I was gonna get up but I heard them speak "Hey, I know you probably hate me but just hear me out alright? I didn't mean for that to happen, I don't know what it is but something about you just intrigues me so much. But, I think I might have feelings for you..." WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!! No Harry can't have feelings for me....He almost raped me!

So what? Get over it, we both know you like him.

No, I like Zayn. He is way nicer and wouldn't ever think to hurt me. Zayn is so sweet.

Then why did he take you if he's 'so sweet and won't hurt you'? FACE IT CINNA HARRY IS THE ONE.

I-I don't know why he took me, but he atleast comforted me when we got here. He cares about me more than Harry does! He saved me from HARRY. So how can Harry be the one if he hurt me, he doesn't care about me.

My God Cinna. Why would he be here comforting you right now if he didn't care? You just don't want to admit he is right for you because of 1 stupid mistake! We all make mistakes Cinna so get THE FUCK OVER IT.

Shut up. I think I can figure out who is better for me without your stupid side comments. I know Zayn is better I will give you proof if I have to!

You know I am right. HARRY is the right choice.

No, He is not! LEAVE ME ALONE.

I am you. You can shut me up whenever you want.


Ugh. I really need to see a doctor cause these mind fights happen more and more often. I mean I know Zayn is the right choice....Right..? I need to sleep. But then as I am situating myself I feel arms wrap around my waist. I turn around and see Harry. I see him open his eyes and smile. I smile back just to be nice and drift off to sleep.

A/N- Pretty intense fight against herself don't you think? Hmm...Who do you think is the right one for Cinna? Or one of the other boys...I really should start adding them in now that I think about it...Well tell who you prefer:

 Cayn or Zinna (Zayn & Cinna)

Carry or Hinna (Harry & Cinna)

Ciam or Linna (Liam & Cinna)

Clouna or Louna or Couis (Louis & Cinna)

Ciall or Nianna (Niall & Cinna)

You guys can make up your own names too but those are just some I could think of.

I will update as soon as possible now, since you guys waited like a month..oops..

Love you all xx

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