"Get New Boy To Become Gay"

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Name: Sora Kitsuno
Skin Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Grey

There was this new guy in our school. He was BOOTY-FUL! As. Hell. Baby.
I wanted to touch his ass so bad, I had to keep my arms in my shirt :P
Yesterday I found out he was straight. Today is my chance to make him gay :3
He will be mine. Mine! MINE! All the gay guys in our school were either; nerdy, jockey, mean, and/or gross. But he..HE was amazing!! My name is Sora and this is my first quest named "Get New Boy To Be Gay" I'll change the name later.. Don't worry bruh..I got ya xD But wait.. I DONT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME!

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