Roxie's P.O.V
I was sitting on the couch with my friend hoomen (Hu•man = A very odd two legged creature with a furry head, most of them are nice, but scary) my friend hoomen Morgan. We were having the best time of our lives until the door bell rang. I ran to see who it was and I started barking in terror! By the way I'm a dog. Continuing on with my story: I was barking in terror for when I saw, THE MAIL MAN! He came out of his evil car only to carry a box of evilness to our doorstep probably trying to kidnap my hoomen friends. I was growling and getting ready to pound him and defeat this evil villain of evilness. It was only 6 1/2 hours later that I realized he was gone. After that my hoomen friend was saved by me and in reward she put on my most favorite movie. Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever. I ate some Chips Ahoy cookies while Morgan started texting her friends.
*Now it's Night Time*
"Oh Meh Gersh!" I said. The sad part is they can't understand me, all that they can hear is "Bark Bark, Bark Bark." I guess they aren't smart enough when compared to me, but I'm not judging. Anyways as I looked out the glass door and to my surprise I saw something perking in the corner of my eye. It was evil. I started barking like crazy until my dad came downstairs with a baseball bat thinking there was a robber. "Roxie, who is there?" he whispered like a mouse. I replied but again, only heard barking. My dad let me outside because maybe he thought I had to go to the bathroom, but there it was. It was... It was... It was... A BUNNY!
It was the end. I was pretty sure I wouldn't make it out alive. It hopped towards me and I almost had a heart attack! But before I could run inside to rescue myself my dad shut the door. I started barking and 6.2 milliseconds later it attacked. It cuddled against me. I started running and barking but it was no use. It had... Friends. It was crazy! I was surrounded until my dad finally opened the door. I ran inside as quickly as I could and all was good. That is until the leader of the Puffy Bunny Tail Tribe followed me inside. I was surely doomed now! Until my dad kicked the bunny outside. :) yay!
*Now we're walking to school*
Morgan's P.O.V."Ugh! I don't wanna go to school today!" I complained.
"I feel ya. I don't wanna go either." Jenna whimpered,
Gaia added in, "Eh. Potatoes don't deserve this."We both laughed while Jenna was laughing hysterically on the ground, face red. After a long laugh we started walking again till Ashley and Jennette came and pushed us all on the ground.
"What was that for!?" Gaia screamed.
"Oh, sorry." They said sarcastically, "losers" Jennette mumbled beneath her breath.They both giggled and trotted away.
*Now We Are In Homeroom*
I feel pretty bad for Jenna. By the way, I sit next to Gaia and across from Jenna but Jenna sits between Jennette and Ashley. #sorrynotsorry #badtobeher (Her=Jenna)
Roxie's P.O.V.
As I saw my hoomen friend Morgan leave on the big yellow box with wheels I totally didn't follow her and totally didn't try to visit her and her hoomen friends. Anyways my journey continued. I traveled long distances, climbed mountains, swam in the depths of the oceans journeyed across deserts! Or if you want to be more exact, I followed the big yellow box on wheels 1 left, 2 rights, 1 'u' turn, and and straight down to her school. But I went to visit my hoomen friend Morgan and I accidentally walking in 16 wrong classes. Beginners mistake? I don't know but I walked slowly across the hallway only to meet my next fight. It was, the janitor. I crept up behind him and then BAM! I whacked him in the head. He used his mop to put up a fight. It was honestly now my first time fighting. I attacked him with my paws and did a donkey kick and he flew across the hallway. It lasted 35 minutes till the bell rang. I was sitting there like a dog fantasizing the whole thing. In reality the janitor escaped. Just my luck.
It was a while before I found Morgan, but it was all worth it! She was so happy to find me. She was like "What are you doing here?" and "Did you follow me?" there was only one problem. There were other people in the room. The were trying to attack Morgan and her hoomen friends from sitting in blue seats and wooden desks. She was in danger! I had to act quick! I didn't know what to do, so without thinking I barked nonstop and Morgan was once again, again, again, saved by me!
*Now we are in lunch!*
Morgan's P.O.V"Oh gosh. I Wanna to eat my lunch but I don't know where to go." Jenna said to Morgan and Gaia.
"Oh gosh? Who says that anymore. Anyways come sit with us guys! It would be a total once in a chance lifetime to sit with mwa and her!" Ashley said with a peculiar voice.
"Never mind!" It was just then 3 boys got up. They were our friends and they heard how Ashley and Jennette was bothering us I guess, "They just got up!"
"Alright then. But just saying there isn't going to be anymore operatunities
For you guys." Jennette said with a snarl.