Chapter 2

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     Blade walked into the medium-sized classroom. It was filled with filing cabinets, some overflowing, some looking like they haven't been touched in years, and some that were brand-new. She looked at the labels, and all of them had a year on it. 1779, 1802, 1936, you name it. The very end filing cabinet had the year of 0003 printed in it, the very first year that King All ruled the land of All.

     She walked around, found a random solitary table, and seated herself. The teacher sat at his desk, reading Insanity, the new drama that came out a week ago. Blade remembered seeing it on her way to work a few days ago in the bookstore window. She was surprised he could get a copy. "Hello, class. My name is Mr. Time. You all know my one parent, Father Time. He is the Time Realm keeper, and it is my job to teach you the most important times in the land of All, and as you can tell, there are quite a few" he said, finishing by pointing to the filing cabinets surrounding the walls.

     "Now, to our first lesson. The beginning of All" he said as he wrote a timeline on the chalkboard. "The main Powered People back then, in the time the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, were All, who was called Allan, Jack Frost, who was called Winter Lord, and Pitch Black, which was called Bringer of Fear. They lived in a time of war, conflict, and discord. Soon, Queen Harmony stepped in and told them that there was nothing growing in the North Fields, the ones that they lived off of. Due to fire and death of farmers, the food didn't grow. Of course, this frightened the people. Allan saw that peace was able to be kept, and The Movement began. According to prophesy, there would be a young ruler that would step forward, one that could use all the powers known. He claimed a land, and named it All. When the new King All began to reign, Pitch Black was jealous of his power. He sent his Shadow Soldiers out to fight, and he nearly completely destroyed the land of All. He was sent to the Underworld for a thousand years, and is still in Underworld prison, due to his more recent plots against King All. Moving on!"

     As the lesson went on, Blade spotted something moving near the shadows of the filing cabinets. A black blob moved to the shadow of the chair right next to Blade's. The blob landed on top of the chair, and from it emerged a girl. Her jet black hair covered one eye. She was extremely pale, her skin flawless. She wore a black sweater, dark gray leggings, and simple plain black boots. "Hey, is this seat taken?" she asked. "No, you may sit. I'm Blade Frost. Great to meet you" said Blade. "I'm Shade Black. Nice to meet you" replied the girl.

     Flame sat to the left of Blade and saw Shade. "Hi there! I'm Flame Burns. I'm Blade's friend. It's great to meet you" she said all friendly-like, wanting to look good in front of the new-looking girl. "Hey, I'm Shade Black. I've never met a fire elemental before. It would be great to get acquainted with one" said Shade, wanting to look good as well.

     The bell rang, and the new trio of friends walked out together. They talked about their classes, how much they hated the "most popular" people and how they bragged. Blade spotted a couple old friends. "Has it really been this long?" she asked herself as she ran over to them with Shade and Flame trailing behind. "Pyro! Blizzard! Oh, it's so great to see you! How have you been?" she almost squealed, rushing to hug them. "Oh, hello. I never thought I'd see you here" said Pryo in a completely calm way, and Blizzard stayed silent, spectating everything that went on, as usual.

     "There's a human in this school. I can sense it" said Pyro, suddenly looking alarmed. His scaly ears flickered around. His slitted pupils stared into Blade's with concern. She could almost see the flickering flame of a match as she focused and stared into his red orange eyes. His shiny, spiky red hair glistened in the light. His skin had a thin layer of translucent light red scales. He was wearing a white dress shirt rolled up a little past his elbows with a red vest over it. He looked quite attractive. On the other hand, Blizzard almost never took off his white cloak, making it only possible to see the lower and middle part of his face. Blade knew they looked very similar, though. Blizzard was almost exactly like his little brother, but was a light blue colored dragon. She always loved dragons, especially those two. Their parents were rather intriguing, but she always respected them, their culture, and their natural way.

     "Hi there! I'm Flame Burns, Blade's friend" Flame said, walking right up to Pyro. She shaked his hand and talked to him for a few minutes. Blade could tell they were instant best friends, and that they really got along. Blizzard watched Pyro a few yards away from him, making his little brother was always safe. Blade remembered her childhood. She remembered the first time she met the twins.

     Blade sat alone on a small hill by a tree, watching all of the other children play. She yearned to be accepted, but it was hard when you were an orphan. People didn't know what it was like to never know your real parents, which somehow meant they didn't know you. Blade always wanted to remember her past before she was eight. She sighed, rested her hands in her palms, and kept watching.

     "Hi there!" a little boy said, speaking directly to her. "You look funny" he said. "I, I, uh," Blade stuttered, not sure what to say. "Don't worry, I look weird to" he said as he transformed into his half human, half dragon form. "You looked lonely, so I came here. I'm Kakai, but please, call me Pyro" he said. "I'm Blade" said Blade, feeling herself blush. "Pyro, there you are. I've been looking for you" said another boy as he ran up the hill. He saw Pyro and a girl sitting by each other. "Oh, hello! I see you've met my little brother. My name is Kori, but my friends call me Blizzard. "Hi. I'm Blade. It's nice to meet you two. I'm Blade" replied Blade. They spent the rest of their recess talking about random stuff.

     Blade awoke from her flashbacks as the bell rang for her next class, Advanced Mathematics. As she saw Pyro and Blizzard enter, she felt thrilled for this class. Blizzard lifted his hood a little bit, looked straight into Blade's eyes, and Blade became lost in his ice blue irises, feeling warm again. "I'm glad to see you" he said in a low voice, and made a small smirk. She walked in, took a seat, and read the words on the board. "Welcome to Magic Studies". As she looked around the classroom, Pyro sat on her left, Blizzard sat on her left, Flame sat next to Pryo, and Shade sat beside Blizzard. They conversed until the bell rang, and class began.

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