Just that magical kind of thing

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When you we're a child, or if you are still a child, you believed in magic, and fairy tales. One gal Hally grew up on fairy tales. She believed in magic and looked forward to every new story that had come out. She would have her older brother Michael and younger brother  Paul sit on her bed at night in their night gowns and read them a story. Her story's would go like "Once apon a time" and "Long long ago." Her brothers favorite story's though, were the stories she came up with on her own. Those stories were just like the books, but with a twist. Her stories would go " Once a long long time ago..."

One story she would always tell her brothers was the storys of the Aradillo and the Pig. She had come up with it and and never would forget it. After the stories her and her brothers would go and roll play the stories.

Hally's father never agreed to the make believe stories. He would say "Non sense" and "Preposterous." Hally's mother died when she was 4. She died right in front of her and every night Hally would dream about her, and how she would hold her and kiss her. Every morning she would wake up with tears on her face.

Michael her younger brother was 6 years old. He loved stories about pirates and swords. He would wish he was a pirate and pretend he was a pirate when ever they played stories. Michael's black hair and green eyes belonged to his mother. He never really remembered his mother after all he was 2 when she passed. Paul and Michael fought a lot but always would end up laughing in the end. Michael would try to be like his sister and create stories but his stories would always get off topic and become a different story.

Paul is the oldest of the trio and acted old. He would kiss up to his father but in many ways was like his mother.  Paul enjoyed listening to his siblings, he would play along for a little while when playing their games but if he didn't get his way he would say "I am older that you Hally by one year and deserve to win."

The children had gone through a lot when their mother died. But the one who took it the worst was their father. Christopher loved her, and when she left , he began to drink, and stay out late. Elizabethwas very child like and loved story books, she had taught Hally and Paul to read. She would play with them and help them create stories. Elizabeth died of a sickness, the doctors had never found out what it was or if it was contagious. All they had known was it destroyed her lunges and kidney. 

The children always dreamed that their mother would come back but she didn't. Their father would never aprove of them talking about her because he missed her so much. He wanted her entirely out of his memory so he would not feel the pain by her absent preasence. He had first taken down all pictures of her and stashed them in a drawer. Then when ever one of the children mentioned her, he would send them to their room without supper. The children were misserable and missed her so much.

Paul Michael and Hally would say a prayer every night before they went to bed, asking God if their mother was ok and was enjoying her time in heaven. Michael always talked to his mother as if she were still there with him. He believed her spirit would watch over them and talk to them, but they could not hear it. Paul had a bear from her. She had given it to him when he was five. He treasured that bear, for it was all he had left of her, other then the books. The bear was brown and plump. Its pink ears were made of velvet and the rest of soft fabric. It smelled of Cherry Blossem perfume, the same his mother would wear every night. The perfume that he had baught her for mothers day. The little bottle lasted her forever and was still half full when she passed.

Hally had a locket from her mother, it had a picture of Hally and her mother when she was born. The locket had writting that Hally couldn't read on it but she asumed it had sad 'I love you.' The locket was gold and silver and shined brightly when held up to the sun.

Michael didn't have anything from his mother. He wished he had something so he would sneak into his fathers room every morning to take out the picture of him and his mother and look at it for hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2011 ⏰

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