2 - the basketball yukiko plays

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Yukiko bit her bottom lip as she thought about her team, how much has changed

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Yukiko bit her bottom lip as she thought about her team, how much has changed. She smiled at the memories she made with her team but, some things change. We all changed in a year and it wasn't for the better. She sighed as she made her way to the gym, that gave her so many memories that changed her. She couldn't help but feel sad, plus this was the last time she would see her friends. She decided to move to America, with some family members until high school started. She didn't like how the team became so ignorant to the real basketball.

She opened the door to see everyone but Kuroko much to her dismay. He helped her realize what basketball is about, but she knew they would cross paths again. She had called them all here to tell them about her moving. She also didn't tell them, that this very day was her last.

"Yukiko-chin, Why did you call us here?" Atsushi said while eating a piece of pocky, sighing as he leaned against the wall.

"Atsushi, Don't speak with your mouth full" Midorima said as he fixed glasses with taped up fingers.

"Shut up, Mido-chan" He licked his fingers, with a small smirk knowing he hate that nickname.

"Say it again, you purple pig" The green haired boy glared at the purple giant that stood infront of him, "Youll regret it "

"Atleast we aren't arguing" Kyota whispered to Daiki, watching their teammates fight.

"Because just like when we play one on one, I would beat you" Daiki snickered at the blonde, before seeing a tick mark form on his head.

"What did you say, Pervert-kun" Kyota said slyly before feeling his head in a headlock.

"What you just say you sissy" Daiki gripped Kyota's head even harder as they both went back and forth.

"Im leaving" She said as she looked down, before hearing them all stop talking. She sighed before meeting all of their gazes, they all looked at her to see if she was joking like she usually does but she wasn't.

"What the hell do you mean?" Daiki yelled he didn't want her to go, not now not ever, "What about our one on ones?"

"Please don't Yukicchi" Ryota had a rare face which was full of sorrow and sadness. When she first met the blonde, she knew he would always make her laugh even when he didn't mean, "We all care about you. Whats so bad about winning"

"Who is going to share my snacks with me, Yukichin?" Atsushi said with glum tone, the question sounded stupid but it had meaning. He would never share food with anyone besides the bluenette, she was a special case. He called her a limited edition, because of how rare and sweet she was.

"You cant go, they'll complain about how you are gone the whole time and itll get on my nerves" Midorima said, but he was hurt was well. He didn't like showing his emotion, but he was clenching and unclenching his fist.

"Ill be moving to America for a bit, for my parents and also just to get things straight. I feel like my basketball is missing something" She said as she went through her hair, she didn't like this, "This team is my everything but haven't you seen how we are all changing and drifting apart? We just had fun when we played, winning isn't everything. Basketball to me is more than a sport, it's a lifestyle. I have learned many lessons just by simply holding the orange ball in my hand, passing to strangers with the same passion. It's not always about winning it's about how much fun you have with the people you play with. Losing isn't bad either; when you lose take what you need to learn from it."

"Even If you leave we will still be victorious" She turned around seeing her red haired friend, Akashi, "But however you will be missed by me, I forbid you to go. This fantasy of this basketball will never get you to where you need to be, winning is everything"

"It isn't and ill show you one day Akashi, that winning isn't everything but teamwork is" She said determined, before looking at the time. She looked at all of her friends, realzing that she felt wetness on her cheeks. She gave them each a hug and a kiss on the cheek before bowing, "Thank you for taking care off me, maybe we will see each other again. Ill show you all my basktetball will take me far"

Yukiko turned around heading out one last time from the gym, "Goodbye,Teiko"

A Couple Hours Later

Yukiko looked around the airport seeing and watching people as they walked by. She couldn't help but feel sad about leaving them, but she needs to find the piece she missing. She know she will find it in America, she heard my flight being called and began my way towards it before hearing my name. She turned around seeing her closet friend, the phantom sixth man, Kuroko Tetsuya.

{first call for the flight for America}

"Yukiko-chan!" He said out of breath, before anime dropping on the floor. She felt herself sweatdrop, at his weak stamina but she knew he was one of kind.

"Tetsu-kun, you shouldn't run that fast" I laughed softly before helping up with a small smile, "I tried to call you but you didn't pick up"

"I know Momoi-chan told me" He said looking down, before grabbing something out his pocket, "I couldn't make it but I got you this, don't open it until you get on the plan"

"Hai" She looked down sadly before hugging her friend close, she would miss him the most. He would miss her as well but she knew they would see each other once again, "Im going to miss you. You were right about the basketball, but when I come back we will show what our basketball is"

{last call for the flight for America}

Tetsu nodded, "Goodbye, Yukiko-chan"

"Silly it isn't a goodbye, it's a see you later" She smiled before grabbing her bags running to the entrance, turning around before waving again. She entered the plan putting everything up. She sat down then opened the gift Tetsu gave her, it was a golden locket with all of her rainbow haired friends when they first met. She sighed happily looking out of the window, "I know I will see you later"


I hope you like this chapter! And please comment and click on the stars if you want more. I am new to this so bare with me, also comment who would like to put Yukiko with! Please please comment if this get 10 stars ill type two more chapters!! Love you guys.

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