Practice! Practice!

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Chapter 4
After the party,Kris was drunk and she was definitely happy that she went with her two best friends,but she was angry because she was going to go to school again and face the drama,but nevertheless,she was always ready.
When she came to school,she got some disturbing stares from some girls,but it looked like they all forgot about it or they just didn't want to bring it up.So,school went on with its normal activities,history class in the morning and French in the afternoon.
Kris didn't remember that today was the day that the students had a free day,the boys were to practice for the football tournament,and the girls were to practice for a quiz/debate that was going to take place the next day.But when she found out,it was to late because the bus left her and she had to walk seventy five miles to get there which was awful for her because she felt so embarrassed,but thankfully,she got there in time before anyone noticed.
The boys started the day with their tournament practice with cause a huge fight between them,the teachers had to come in and cancel the game before anything bad happened.It was extremely funny for Kris because could just sit on the grass and watch all the drama that went on,but it was all over when the girls had to take over and practice.The girls including Kris were tested on speed,verbal communication and unique smartness.Out of fifty girls in school,only five were chosen to represent the school which were;Kris Jacobs,Taylor Jones,Riley Adams,Miranda Louise and Michelle Gary.It was bad for Kris because she was shy to speak in front of people and she wasn't ready to conquer those fears.She wanted to get help from her friends but she couldn't find them at all,So she decided to ask the smartest boy in school,but little did she know that it would be harder that she imagined..

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