A day of a single lady

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Good morning? Hi Maureen! how was your shift last night? my coworker asked.

"It was extremely busy, I had to facilitate James to intubate a patient. Fortunately, the patient is stable now and his vital observations are within acceptable ranges but we still have to closely monitor him. I sighed as I retrospect what happened last night.

Although, as a nurse, I commonly encounter that kind of case there are times you can't help internally to feel worried about your patient.

"Oh, dear, must have been hard, anyway I hope we have a better shift today.

I smiled at her remark because we both know that our line of work can be stressful and we don't have those better days. We have to be on alert at all times as we have to look after high risk and low-risk patients.

I have worked as a Registered nurse for 3 years now in the General Ward and I love my job. I have always dream to be a nurse since my dad passed away when I was thirteen years old. I always thought, if only I was a nurse back then, would things be different?

However, everything happens for a reason as many people say.

Anyway back to the present moment, before we attend to our designated patients, the clinical coordinator will conduct a quick handover to all nurses.

Afterwards, the nurse who is in charge of our allocated patients will perform a bedside handover. To inform us what happened overnight and what are the changes to the patient.

Every after handover, I often take a deep breath and murmured a short prayer to start my rounds and check my allocated patient.

Hello, Good Morning Mrs Jones? I asked my elder patient who is currently eating her breakfast.

Oh hi, sweetheart, I am doing great today, I cannot complain you know, I am still alive which I should be grateful for, she's smiling while saying those things.

"I am really glad to hear that from you, Mrs Jones. Now after you finish your breakfast I will give you, your medications and will also check your vital signs, will that be okay?. I asked her

"Yes, sweetheart that would be alright", she said.

I stopped walking midway to my other patient when Mrs Jones, called me. I slightly turned my head and saw her waving and calling my name.

"Yes, Mrs Jones is there anything you need? or you forgot to tell me? I asked her nicely. It is weird to see her not making eye contact and she looks embarrassed. I wonder why?

"Hmm, ahmm.. this is embarrassing to say but I heard from your colleague that".

"Oh hang on I actually asked your colleague If you are single and I was happy that you are".

"I have a grandson who is a swimmer. Oh, he is good looking and an excellent athlete. He is currently training hard to be qualified to go to Olympics this year. I just wondered if you know! if you guys go out or just go on a friendly date"

"Ohh, really"?, embarrassed what to say I tried to compose myself. "I don't think your grandson would have time to go out with someone when he is busy with his training".

"I really appreciate your good intention but I think I will have no time either to see someone". Ahem,, I need to go and check my other patient but if there will be a chance I would love to meet your grandson. I tried to make the conversation less awkward as Mrs Jones is looking a bit sad.

"I will see in you in a bit", I smiled and bid goodbye to her.

My shifts went really quick because today was flat out. We had few new admissions. I was heading to the staff room to get my stuff and I bumped into my best friend/ workmate.

I saw Glenda heading in my direction screaming her head off. Geez this woman!

Oii te!! I heard sa workmates natin na may inireto daw si Mrs Jones to you? It's her grandson. Oh my gulay!! I can't!!. I heard yummylicious daw. yung guy.

I squatted her arm as she keeps nudging me.

"Will you stop doing that and why are you yelling?

"We are still at our workplace ", "We are not allowed to converse with our native language"!

Soooss!! Its only us here and I can't contain my excitement and curiosity that you might find the Mr right, So? what did you tell to Mrs Jones, when are you guys going out?

I can't help myself but frown at her, I actually said to her that his grandson might not have the time to go out because he is too busy. In fact, he is training really hard to get selected for the Olympics games.

"What?? You could have at least give your mobile number to her ". And said" Oh my!! Thank you so much, here is my number with sparkling eyes. "You could have said that instead of flatly refusing her". Grasya na yon ateng!!.

"At tsaka ayaw mo yon lakas kana sa isa sa family niya and swimmer te yummy yong pandesal non hehehe"

This woman pag gwapo talaga!!!

"You are crazy!, "You know that I am not like that, I was glad that Mrs Jones didn't take any offence to my refusal". But I actually said, "if there is a chance then why not".

"Ehhhh I can't, did you really say that? "I can clearly see that your future love life will be happening soon, I am so proud of you", she exaggeratedly said.

Can't help shaking my head

"Look! " Why are you certain that we will like each other. We haven't even met yet. We both know that I don't prefer Aussie bloke" Not that I dislike them. I feel like I can't handle them. "Ayaw ko yong masyadong gwapo parang hindi naman bagay sakin. I am just an average woman you know"

"Here we go again, Why do you always discourage yourself" What is there not to like about you?

" You are pretty, financially stable and with a good personality"

"I don't even know about being pretty though that is hard to absorb most of the time" when I said that Glenda just rolled her eyes at me.

"You lack self-confidence, and I know it is a norm that, pretty women should only go out with handsome men and vice versa. But that is not how it should be, we deserve it too". Kaya ka single dahil sa mindset mong yan"! irritation is evident in her voice.

" I am just being realistic here, alright and I doubt we will ever cross paths with that man anyway"

or so I thought.

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