Chapter One

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~Emily's PoV~

Hell. Just hell. I can't even imagine my life getting any worse then it already is. I'm not popular what-so-ever, my friends are kind of losers (sorry guys, I love you), Leanza- the biggest bitch on this planet- told everyone that her and Harry- my life long crush- have been hooking up a lot lately, and my parents are getting a freaking divorce.

Let me explain. To most people, I am known as a loser, nerd, or -this is the new one- a geek. Why? I have no idea. Could it be that it's because I'm band? Maybe it's because I'm in Pre Calculus. It could be because I'm in drama. It might even be because I quit playing all four sports that I did: volleyball, basketball, softball, and dance.

I didn't WANT to. But I had to. I couldn't stand the hurtful comments that Leanza and her crew kept sending my way. Dance was the worst. They would tell me I was terrible. That I should kill myself. That maybe if I fell on my face one more time (which, by the way, barely ever happened) then I might look prettier. But the thing is, I was better then all of them. In fact, not to brag, but I think I was the best on the entire team.

Leanza. Let's talk about this bitch. She has a little clique that follows her around. It consists of her, Shane, Carina, and Apoorva. Just like in all those dumb movies, Leanza is captain of the stupid cheer squad. Not only is she the captain, but she forced the rest of her clique to join it too- mainly so she could yell at them and get away with it.

Apoorva never would've signed up for cheer. Her and I used to make fun of those girls. You see, Apoorva and I used to be best friends. I don't even know how we split up. I guess we just started to drift apart.

I feel bad for Carina though. They don't really like her. they are just 'training' her. I know how she feels though. I was in her situation once. You see, what Leanza does is she takes a girl out age or younger then us, and she makes them all popular and stuff. But after a month or so, she dumps you. It isn't nice either. I have seen her ruin girls' lives because of how she dumps them. Me, I was one of the luckier ones. All they did was squirt ketchup and mustard all over me- when I was wearing a white shirt.

I know what you're thinking. "Emily! How is that lucky?" Just go with it. I am one of the luckier girls. One girl, who used to be very funny and outgoing- Pinky- was dumped. They wrote her a note that was supposedly written by Zayn (Harry's best friend, second in command, beta star football player, and also her huge crush at the time). I'm not exactly sure what it said, but she came to school later that night in only a thong and skin tight black boots. Our principle was walking out of the school while she was posing in front of the door. Let's just say that she didn't come to school for a couple of weeks.

Let me get back to explaining things though. Harry. *insert dreamy sigh*. Harry is the football star. He is the starting quarterback on Varsity, and it's only our junior year. The senior quarterback is pretty pissed off about it, but I'm telling you about Harry. Harry and I used to be best friends. He was my neighbor for the first five years of our lives. He was only a week older then me, so we were pretty much raised together. Ever since we were really little, we were practically glued together at the hip. We did everything together, and told each other everything. When we were four on Valentine's Day, he even kissed me. We were best friends. Until one summer day when his dad came home from work smiling.

From what I can recall, Mr. Styles got a promotion. An enormous promotion. So he decided to spend some of his new promotion money by selling their house next to ours and buying one on the 'rich' side of town. Harry and I cried together for what seemed like days after we got the news. When I woke up one morning and looked over the stained white fence, he wasn't outside. So I walked over and knocked on the door. A strange man with a mustache wearing a white suit with orange stripes down the side answered the door. My little, innocent voice asked if the Styles family was home. He told me that they had just finished moving out last night. I cried and walked back into my room.

I figured what anyone would figure: that once school started again we would be friends again. Boy was I wrong. The first day of first grade, I was expecting us to run to each others arms and talk about everything we missed after he left. Far from it. I walked up to him- it was a brave gesture because he was surrounded by a group of other boys that looked rich too. So anyways, I walked up to him and asked how his summer was and if he missed me and such. Now that I think of it, he glanced at his friends and then he looked back at me. He took off his sunglasses and asked "Who are you?"

I was shocked. My life-long best friend had forgot about me. It was only a month and a half that we didn't see each other. What's up with that?

But I've been trying to forget that. I'm trying to move on. But I just can't seem to get over my seventeen year crush on Harry. His sparkling green eyes made me melt. But his glistening, white, straight smile and deep, adorable dimples killed me. They literally took a knife and cut out my heart... especially when that smile wasn't for me. :(



To all of you people from my page reading the story... I promise I'll get you in there!

It's only the first chapter! CALM YO TITS!

:) anyways... this chapter was mainly just explaining what has been happening lately... the next chapters will be about the present. :) haha

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Bye Puppy Thugs!

(Thats what I'm going to be calling you... okay?? If you have a better suggestion I'M ALL EARS!) :D

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