San Bernardino shooting

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Hey everyone, it's Rita-chan the admin here. Okay so I'm sure most of you heard about the mass shooting that happened yesterday in Cali? I would like to have a moment of silence for the victims. And I just wanna say this, THE GUNMAN AND HIS WIFE ARE ASSHOLES!!! Why? Besides the obvious, they left behind a BABY! That's right, A BABY, who I think was 6 MONTHS OLD! YOU FUCKING PIECES OF DOG SHIT!! You know what? This isn't normally me but I'm glad that baby's parents are dead, so that way when that child grows up, it wouldn't have to go through all this hell that was just dropped onto the kid thanks to the child's parents! I have a lot of friends in Cali. Hell! My godfather and his family live in Los Angeles, hell my cousin and his family live in Cali, thankfully up north, I have a family friend and her family who helped raise me still living there in Los Angeles. I have some friends that live in Cali. I'm crying right now! I didn't know any of the victims, but I'm crying for them because their lives were taken.  Someone's brother, father, mother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend's life was cut short. I know I'm not the only one who is probably ranting about this but I'll say it anyways, THIS VERDAMMIT BULLSHIT IS PISSING ME THE FUCK OFF!! I AM SO SICK OF THIS SHIT HAPPENING! and I'm sure others are sick of this too. THIS SHIT HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH! SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE!! BECAUSE I'M SURE AS FUCKING HELL, SICK OF THIS BULLSHIT!

To the police officers, SWAT teams,  firefighters, hospital staff, and EMS teams that jumped into action to do everything they can to help...I want to say Thank you. To the one police officer who helped out that one group of scared victims in the attack; and I would like to point out that these Police Officers STORMED INTO THE BUILDING, NOT KNOWING HOW MANY SHOOTERS WERE IN THE BUILDING, NOT KNOWING IF THE GUNMEN WERE STILL IN THE BUILDING OR THE AREA;  that police officer who had calmed that group of victims, said something that really touched me. He said "I'll take a bullet before any of you do, I promise you all that." When I heard that, I was moved. It's because of police officers like him on the force that let me feel safe. Thank you San Bernadino police officers, EMS teams, SWAT teams, hospital staff, and firefighters. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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