1. Death's Song

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I slowly sat down in a cold metal chair, looking at two black caskets. One big casket, one small casket for two innocent and beautiful souls. The big casket was for my best friend, Alec. Alec just turned sixteen, three days ago. She was a very outgoing person and loved art a lot. I remember one time, I had to beg her to leave the art classroom. The small casket was for my little sister, Val. She was fourteen. She just started high school. Val was a more shy person, not that shy though. She loved conversations and people. She was just not that open.

"Sweetheart, Alec's parents would like to see you." my mother said softly. I looked away from the caskets and nodded. This would be one of hardest things I do today. Alec and her mother were extremely close. I was always jealous of their relationship. They never really had any arguments, maybe a few, but that was normal. Alec loved her mother so much, her mom was her hero. Her mom was her everything. I took a deep breath and walked to the back of the room. We held the funeral inside because of the rain. When I was littler I told my sister that when it was raining, angels were crying. Today angels were crying. They were crying over two girls who had to leave their life here and start a new one in heaven.

"Mrs. Heartwood, how are you?" I said resting my arm on her shoulder. She softly smiled and tightly hugged me. She started crying in my shoulder. Hearing her sobs broke my heart. "I'm s-sorry." I croaked. I held back my tears and swallowed. I couldn't cry. What would crying do? Crying would do nothing. Crying would not bring back my best friend or my little sister.

"I-I don't know how you do it, Kate. You're keeping everything and everyone together. You are very strong. I'm so thankful..you got to be in my daughter's life. I thank you for everything." she stated softly. She let go of me and wiped her tears.

"Can I have everyone take a seat, please. I would like to start" the minister announced. I walked back to my seat and took another deep breath. Here comes the second hardest part of today. "We are here in the remembrance of two lovely girls who got their lives stolen. We are here to put their souls and their bodies to rest. But before we do that, we'll have a few family members from each side give a little remembrance speech" he finished. He looked at me and nodded. I stood up and walked up to the podium.

"If you don't know me, I'm Kate Marsh. And on February, fifth at 9:10 am my best friend of sixteen years was killed by a school shooter. On that same exact day at 9:28 am, my little sister was also killed by the same shooter. It's pretty hard trying to be happy and remember all the great memories I had with them. But, for them I will try my hardest. I remember one time when Alec and I had our first art class together. It was our third period and it was before lunch. She would not move from her seat, she was just there painting away. The bell had rung and there was no one in that classroom except us two. I literally had to drag her out of her chair so we could get lunch." I paused and looked around. "The three of us had plenty of adventures together, but this one time was my personal favorite. It was raining early one morning and we had plans to go adventure. It was canceled, but the rain cleared up later that afternoon so we ended up going on our adventure. We wanted to go where none of us have been before, which was the forest. Alec's mom had two red quad bikes. We decided to drive those even though none of us had any experience. It was pretty easy to be honest. So, we drove into the forest, just checking out the scenery. Then mid-way into the forest, both quads just stopped. To this day, I don't know why they did. We were annoyed that we had to walk home, but we shrugged it off. While on our way home, there was a beautiful white-spotted deer just sitting in the grass. Let me tell you how happy Val was. I saw her eyes light up and her face was just...glowing. Like an angel. The deer turned around and was walking towards us. Alec and I didn't know what to do, we just froze. The deer stopped in front of Val. She gently put her hand out and the deer nuzzled against her hand. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." I smiled. I looked up to the small crowd of people and I saw them, Alec and Val. They were just smiling at me and just sitting in the aisle between the two crowds of chairs. "Alec...Val.." I muttered. The crowd looked at me confused.

"Sweetheart.." my mom said standing up. I ignored her and stepped away from the podium. Then it all hit me. This is reality, this is not a movie. My best friend is actually dead along with my little sister. I instantly couldn't breathe. They were gone.

"I-I'm so sorry" I screamed. I fell to my knees and put my face to the ground. My mom ran to my side, but I pushed her away. Was this my fault? Could I have of saved them? I stood up and ran out the door. I needed air.

I looked up at the sky, it was gloomy and depressing. "I'm so sorry..I should have protected you guys" I cried falling down to my knees, once again. I slammed my hand into the dirt. I could have done something to save you guys.

"Hey Kate," someone said calmly. I looked up to see a kind of short, dark silhouette. They reached out their hand and I grabbed it. They pulled me up and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry," they said. I tightly wrapped my arms around them and let out a loud sob. I couldn't help but feel so pitiful. "Let it out, let all of it out. I'm here Kate," they whispered in my ear. I let out a few more tears and sobs until there was none left. I took a step back and look at the person who comforted me.

"Kellin," I let out. He looked at me and softly smiled. Kellin was Alec's cousin. I met him last year when her family took us to Oregon during spring break. "Thank you so much" I murmured. He shook his head and pulled me into his chest.

"No, thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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