rolling my eyes

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i F U C K I N G roll my eyes from here to the rocky mountains, over their jagged slopes, and back. some people are so damn annoying i just cant deal with it. ugh.

this morning i was in the library with my sister edén b/c she was gonna help me print something for my speech class. when suddenly a wild D U M B A S S appears. and no i did not use a pokéball on her even though i wanted to pokéslap her face into oblivion.

the computers are separated by little cubby things and it was F U C K I N G six in the morning. the computer lab was practically deserted.

edén was at one cubby and we were both using that computer, but i was sitting at the one next to her just to i could sit on a chair. then le unidentified bitch walks up and clears her throat.

-um, are you using this computer?


-can i use it?

-*rolling my eyes* sure

i begrudgingly grabbed my backpack and moved to the other side of my sister b/c there are four cubbies in each row. and may i mention again that A L L other cubbies in the lab were E M P T Y. i think she did it on purpose to piss me off and fuck over my day. well she did it.



but i am super annoyed now. like it would be totally fair if the lab was packed like it is in the afternoons and i wasnt using the computer. that would be a totally valid reason to ask me to move.

dis B I T C H though.

you had like twenty other computers to chose from. why you have to go and try to start shit with me?

{ A M É R I C A }

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