Chapter 23: Her Father Who Art Now In Heaven

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Chapter 23

Weeks pass by, that moment of Lola's declaration permanently imprinted in Carlos's mind. He questions it, of course he questions it but the more he does the more he's convinced it's genuine. Despite his mind finding all sorts of logical reasoning for why it may not be, he truly believes it and that in itself is a far scarier thought.
Regardless, neither mentions it much again, not that it needs to be.
Unfortunately, with his father's supervision he has been left to sift through the documents contained in the underground lair but so far apart from a lot of drug dealing and solicitations with prostitutes there have not been many other sins he's had to memorise.

Just when things are looking slightly more positive, of course, they take a turn for the worse.

Carlos knows it's not going to be good when his father calls both him and Marco into his office. It will more likely than not result in someone's death.
"Who is it this time Father?" asks Marco as they both stand awaiting orders before their father.
The old man closes the file he's reading. Slapping it on the desk to their side with more force than really necessary.
"Time to cut the loses. Beaumont is useless to us-him and his daughter. I want them killed Carlos. This has gone on long enough and it's time he pays his dues."
Carlos's heart drops. That was a possibility he did not see coming at all. He can't kill Lola. He physically can't. Her father however...he has no emotional ties to that man. He could very easily manage that, if it were not for the fact Lola values his life. Carlos doesn't think much of him. Any man who can't support his own daughter to him, falls under incompetent and as such deserves little remorse for him. However the pain it would cause Lola. And if she ever found out it was him, would she be able to forgive him? Probably not. That would in the scenarios he can think of spiral her into the dark state he provoked in Valentina. Although...perhaps this time it won't be cocaine. Maybe it'll be heroine or depression pills.

Much to Carlos's surprise it isn't him that chips in first to protest. Marco beats him to it exclaiming, "surely not the girl, father? Carlos selfishly keeps her to himself, I have yet to enjoy my share."
Carlos shoots him a short glare from the side, repressing a snort. 'His share'?! There is no 'his share'. Lola's his.
"As I said brother, I do not share my women. And I am yet to tire of her. So it seems you'll be waiting for a while. But I do agree with you on that point. She is useful father. Perhaps not profitable in monetary value but certainly...satisfying."
The words sound so foreign to him. He's never had to try and convince his parents in such a roundabout way to anything other than Lola. But her, he will do his best to protect. He gave her his word and no matter what he can't break that promise, even if it means spieling awful, derogatory things about her as nothing more than a doll to play with.
"Need I remind you, Carlos, you will be married soon?" points out Alberto.
Carlos simply shrugs, "and I will be discrete in my affairs father, and perform the duties expected of me as a husband. But you cannot constrain me to just that...Moretti girl surely?"

He father blinks at him for a moment before breaking out into loud gaffing laughter, "no, I digress. As innocent as she may look, she certainly does have the Moretti genes in her. If this Beaumont girl is so pliable, keep her- enjoy her. Her father however, is useless. I grow tired of his 'torture' and there is little point dragging this on much longer."
Carlos racks his brain trying to consider something-anything- that could perhaps be a valid argument to keep the man alive but he can't produce a single one. What use would they have for him? And how on earth can he propose it without having his father raise any questions about him and weakness?
He's painfully aware of the time quickly slipping away and as it does, he can't do anything but exhale finally.
"How would you like it done?"

A proud smile tugs at the corners of his father's mouth, an action Carlos seems to have inherited.
"No need for dramatics, which is why I want you to do it. Short, simple, clean. And ring Riccardo when you are done for disposal. Marco will accompany you and provide any assistance you may need."
Carlos raises an eyebrow retorting, "I'm sure I can handle this myself, father. Beaumont is just an old man, he won't be a challenge therefore with all due respect, I do not need an assistant."
"Marco will accompany you. You will prove to me your cowardice earlier in delivering was an isolated incidence." not an assistant but rather a watchdog. With Marco tagging along, there's an even slimmer chance Carlos will be able to execute any sort of strategic plan that will allow him to remain in good grace of his family whilst keeping the only family Lola has alive.

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