
21 1 0

All people wish
Think about a birthday
Blow out the candles
And make a wish
Sometimes it's like a man
Controls each wish
Sometimes he hangs his head
Saying I can do this
I wish too
I wish for you
Those times you need me
So I can stare into your eyes
As they fill with surprise
I'm there
I could hold you
Through an entire night
Wishes composed of hope
And sometimes desperation
I hope for you
Hope for you to be here with me
So I can fully keep you
So I can sleep
Expecting a lovely face
When I finally
To stay up late
Doing what I can
To spend time with you
Yes, we all wish
I wish
You wish
But listen close
I wish
For you to stay
So I can finally meet you
One day.

Poetry By JT BridgesWhere stories live. Discover now