Our Wedding in 'El Torero'

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Spencer's POV:

I stilled thinking in all Will told me to have the custody of Henry, Emy and i gonna be their adoptives parents until she appear.

Finally Emily go out to the ladies bathroom to see her at the mirror and she looks like i'll imaging her like an emeral mermaid, the JJ dress looks so beauty in her perfect body and her little not notorius belly too, with her long her taking with a ponytail and natural flowers arounds her hair a crown make with white daisy flowers.

She is so exquisite and perfect all i want in a woman and her inteligence alucinate me.

Then when i see my future wife JJ told me "Spence get out of here is bad lucky to see the bride before married".

"O-o-ok JJ so sorry, but my Emy looks so pretty with your wedding dress, thank's JJ".

"Don't worry Spencer is a gift from me to your future bride. Oh!! all i want the guys be together with us and join to the celebration like a family, the family we're".

"Yes, is true and this the other part of the surprise to Emily cause i invites Aaron Hotchner with Hayley and Jack, Agent Jordan Todd with Derek Morgan, David Rossi with Ashley Seaver and Penelope Garcia, i think she can dance with my pal Adam Montgomery".

Then i receive a text message 'Hey kiddo we're all outside the door to the restaurant 'El Torero' expecting instructions from you, tell us what can we do. David Rossi'.

'Come inmediatly and quickly, i don't want Emy see you guys until you change your clothes, stay ready and sit down in your tables ok!'

'Ok we come inmediatly very carefully. So long David Rossi'. He answer to me.

Then i saw them and i moved my right hand quickly to following walk.

When i would talk to JJ and i ask to her if my future wife still in the bathroom.

She go to the bathroom and see my future wife and JJ tell to my Emy to close her eyes and she tell me at the same time again, i close my eyes cause is bad luck to see the wife until the married.

When JJ tell me i can open my eyes i do it and tell to the mens to go to the bathroom and the womens i tell them to go to the ladies room too.

Emily's POV:

I'm so happy to marry finally with my love Spence, he is the only man i'll really love, after my youth love when i have 15 years old and i was pregnant of him, but i made an abortion for that reason i miscarriaged my baby.

But not now cause i have 32 and i expecting twins of my baby husband.

I miss my friends of the BAU especially Penelope Garcia cause she always worry to me like JJ, but the second was invite to my married, but the first not.

All i want they gonna be here with me especially in this important moment to us.

Then i listen the voice of my friend Jennifer Jareau an i close my eyes like she tell me.

I walk with her very carefully out of the bathroom and i go to the place he leased for our married and it was so beautiful like the entrance of a castle.

Then JJ tell me to close my eyes again and i open, i see all my friends of the BAU especially Penelope Garcia.

Their was so happy with us to notice our relationship and now our married.

They look at me, and all seeing how beautiful i see with the JJ dress cause she give to me like a gift for married to Spencer.

When the Registrant of the Civil Registry who's name was Lucious Landly appear; David Rossi come to me an carry me like he was my father and he present me near to my baby genius and future husband.

Henry carrying the married alliances in a pillow with lace and our witnesses in this moment to our marry was Jennifer Jareau Lamontagne and Will Lamontagne Jr, we start to sign at the same time Spencer and i, then Will and JJ.

The Registrant of the Civil Registry Lucious Landly start to talk a beautiful words in our wedding 'The love always support the barriers, the bad times, maybe the inconstants ways to talk in the most importants moments in our lives, the love can move mountains. The really love can make worry for the other person every minutes or seconds in our lives. The good comunication is an esencially part of the duty to make the flame constantly flaming in our hearts and the love can give the strong to see more than the obviously who appear in that moment. Love is the most important thing and for always the man left his parents and turns one flesh and one soul with his couple and they cope with all the situations they affront in that moment and make more strong the relationship and the love increase when the time pass and the real love could be stay forever.

The rings please".

And Henry come to us with our alliances.

"Repeat after me Emily Prentiss with this alliance thee wed you Spencer Reid to be your wife and i promise to be with you and protect you all the days of our lives until the dead separate us".

"I Emily Prentiss with this alliance thee wed you Spencer Reid to be your wife an i promise to be with you and protect you all the days of our lives until the dead separate us". - And then i put the alliance in the finger of my husband.

"Repeat after me Spencer Reid with this alliance thee wed you Emily Prentiss to be your husband

and i promise to be with you and protect you all the days of our lives until the dead separate us".

"I Spencer Reid with this alliance

thee wed you Emily Prentiss to be your husband and i promise to be with you and protect you all the days of our lives until the dead separate us". And Spencer put the alliance in my finger too.

"With the power i recieve from God now i pronounce you husband and wife, you can kiss the wife and now stand before you the new couple the Reids".

All of our friends was so happy with us, especially Penelope and she start to flirty with Adam Montgomery and they laughs a lot. The others will so happy to us and we start to dance the wals in front to our friends and when we start

finish it, they come and dance with us and they enjoy the precious moment in our lives.

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