The First Night To Henry With Us

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Spencer's POV:

"Hey sweetie are you happy to be part of our family and have the responsability to be the bigger brother too?" - My Emy ask to our beauty kiddo Henry.

"Yeah mommy, i'm so happy to be part of this family and have the huge responsability to be the big brother an teach to my little brother and sister too". - Henry answer to my beautiful brunette.

"Do you want to knows the names to the babies?" - I told to my big son.

"Yeah, daddy i want to know". - Henry told us.

And my beauty wife, my brunette Emy and i tell him at the same time "The baby girl name is Rachel Jennifer Marieh Reid and the baby boy name is Adam Will Benjamin Reid in honour to your parents".

"Oh thank's they have three beautifuls names, my mommy Jennifer and my daddy Will were very proud to be part of this beautiful family too". - Our little kiddo act like the bigger son now and he following talk. "I'm be so happy to conform this beautiful family, who worry to each other and have two little brothers (a baby boy and a baby girl)".

"Well pal do you want to know our home?" - I ask to him.

"Yes daddy, i want to know the home". - Henry told me.

"We live in Alexandria 0255 son and i hope you'll be very happy cause this gonna be your new home" - I still talk to Henry.

And i start to drive in my antique Chevy to our home in Alexandria 0255 with my beauty wife Emily and our bigger son Henry.

Finally we arrive to our house and my beauty brunette prepared all to our new son a room to him with all he needs obviously with my help especially the strenght part cause she can't make stressfull things and use her strong cause this can damage our babies. And she prepared with my help too our room cause maybe he needs and wants sleep with us.

Emily's POV:

When we arrive to the house i prepared everything with the help to my supportive husband and i prepared a dinner for us. All ates especially Henry who loves the lasagna and i prepared something special to me and my babies following the instructions who let me Adam.

Spenny let Henry in the other room and this worry me a lot, cause maybe he needs feel their parents and want to be pass the night with us.

"Sweetie, Spen maybe he wants to sleep with us why we don't let him?"

"No, i think he needs sleep alone for now cause this gonna be much harder if we don't start to marks the rules".

"But he's only a little child who lost his parents in a homicide and he deserve our supportive care".

"Oh Em you have all the reason like always".

And i start to call to our Henry.

"Henry, sweetie do you want to sleep with us?"

"Yeah, but you really think i can mommy?"

"Yes, my kiddo you can". - I tell to my son.

"Mommy i don't want to damage you or my brothers".

"Don't worry dear, i'll be fine". - I following talk to my beauty son. "Come with us sweetie, do you want to feel our brothers?" - I ask to my Henry.

"Yeah i want, but i'm not sure".

"Sure for what dear?" - I ask to him.

"Cause i'm worry for you, i don't want damage them really".

"You don't damage them; please come and touch my belly" - I tell him.

Finally he accept and touch my belly with a lot of fear, but very proud to be the big brother to my sons.

And he start to sleep hearing the relax sounds of the hearts of my babies and especially to hearing my heart and finally he down to the arms of Morpheous like all of us, and his head still in my belly and i rest with a huge smiley on my face.

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