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Luke's Pov

Katie was playing in her room and Mikey and I were just watching a movie. Until we heard a loud bang in Katie's room.


Mikey's Pov

"What fell in her room Luke?"

"I don't know but it made a really loud noise."


No answer

Luke's Pov

We went into her room and her dresser fell on her.



"Take the dresser off of her."

"Let's take her to the hospital."

Luke's Pov

We got her to the hospital and she was knocked out. They said she has a broken leg and arm and she needs to stay here for a couple of hours more. Her glasses were broken.

"Do you guys know how the dresser fell?"

"No, she was in her room and we were watching a movie then we heard the dresser fall."

"Ok well she's going to be unconscious for about 4 more hours.

4 hours later------

"Ok she's awake now if you want to see her."

"Ok thank you."

"Katie thank god your alright!"

"W-where am I?"

"Your in the hospital Katie."

"When did I get here?"

"About 4 hours ago."

"What happened?"

"Your dresser fell on top of you."

1 hour later-----

"Ok we're home now."

"Get some rest in our room don't go in your room."


Luke's Pov

We had to help her get to the bedroom because she was in a wheelchair. Now we need to get her new glasses.

"Katie, do you know how your dresser fell on you?"


"Can you tell us?"

"Well,what happened was I pushed something behind it and it fell over and it landed on me."


"I think I lost some of my memory too."


"I barely remember anything."

"Do you remember this place?"

"Not really."

"Mikey,why didn't the doctor tell us?"

"I don't know."

"I barely remember you guys but I kinda know who you guys are."

"Do you remember Uncle Cal or Uncle Ash?"




"She doesn't even remember Ash or Cal."

"Let's call them over."



"Hey guys."


"Hi Katie."

"Who are you."

"What do you mean? We're uncle ash and uncle cal."


"Luke? Michael?


"Why doesn't she remember us?"

"What happened was we were watching a movie and we heard a loud noise from her room and we went and saw that her dresser fell on her. We took her to the hospital and she had a broken leg and arm and she's in a wheelchair but the doctor didn't tell us she lost part of her memory."


"Yeah she doesn't even remember her friends."

"Oh my god."

"She lost her memory forever?"


"What does she not remember?"

"We don't know we only know she doesn't remember you guys and her friends. She barely remembers us. She can barely walk but she should be able to walk next week the doctor said. She doesn't remember her grandparents either.

"Oh my god."

A/N Ok guys that was a little bit sad but my friend Sophie suggested this so your welcome sophie.

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