Chapter 1

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Hey guys :)

This is my new story and it's gonna be a little different to the rest because it's gonna have more of a diary/journal layout. It based on Selena's song from Revival -'Perfect', which is my 2nd favourite after 'Outta My Hands (loco', which I also based a fanfic on - but that's a Louis Tomlinson fanfic. I hope you enjoy this. I know I'm not the best writer but I just have a lot of story ideas that I come up with all the time, so I decided to actually do something about them and write these books.

Love you lots,

Zaynab xx


It was our 5th anniversary when things started to change and take a turn to the worst.

I was simply another full day for me. A class at university, work and then home. Home was always the best part of my day. I could spent the evening with the love of my life.

The evening was the only time in a week that we could spend time together, because he worked late nights, except Sunday's.

We had been together since senior year - high school. I met him in one of the most unusual ways. He was one of those quiet kids that you wouldn't even know if they went to your school. He was always in his own world. He was always on his own. Always drawing in that brown journal of his. I think that was definitely one of the things that intrigued me about him, the fact that he wasn't like everyone else. He didn't care what people thought about him. He didn't care about popularity or any of the other materialistic things that the rest of the teenagers at school did. Though it wasn't that he was shy, he was not shy at all. He just didn't care about the other kids.

I remember the first time he spoke to me. We had been assigned a project in English to write a poem about someone that we found interesting. I instantly knew who I was going to write about.

I didn't exactly know where to start so I decided that I'd analyse him through out the day to see if I found the inspiration I needed to start the poem.

It was lunch. I had told my friends that I wanted to study for our English exam, which was next period. They laughed at me as soon as I told them, but didn't question me any further, as they knew how serious I was for English. I wanted to be an English professor.

I searched the hall way for a sign of him. I caught a glimpse of his plaid red and black shirt, heading to the stair case which led to the schools green house at the top of the school.

I sped walked down the hall way and stopped in front of the large grey door. I slowly opened it and took a deep breath.

I knew exactly what he would be doing upstairs. I was nervous, merely because I didn't want to be noticed by him. I wouldn't know what to do if he spoke to me. My nerves would probably get the best of me and I'd explode. Literally.

Unfortunately, I wasn't a very social person. I was completely shy. They only reason I even had friends was because of my best friend Flora, who had been friends with me since kindergarten. She was one of the most friendly and social people I had ever come across. She was the definition of  a people's person, yet I on the other hand was the opposite.

I walked up the stairs, careful not to trip because with my luck I'd probably fall down the steps and break my neck. I chuckled to myself at the thought.

One I had gotten up all 3 flights of stairs, I took a step in the green house. The green house was huge, considering it ran through the entire length of the school.

Daisies, Roses, Sunflowers and more beautiful flowers were in different places. I stepped inside the green house, glancing around at the amazing sight.

I breathed in the scent of the flowers and sighed in content.

I began to walk around the the roof, almost completely forgetting the reason I was here. The red roses caught my eye and I smiled to myself, taking out my camera and taking a shot of them.

I put my phone back in my pocket, taking out my note book and pen and carried on walking around, feeling myself get absorbed my the beauty of the flowers and plants.

I came to a sudden halt when I saw him. He was sitting on one of the benches further away drawing something. His pencil worked aggressively. I frowned at the sight, curious about what he was drawing.

I slowly moved towards a shelf filled with blue tulips and hid from his sight. I could still see him clearly from this angle and I watched him, intrigued.

His plump pink lips were pursed as he aggressively drew what ever he was drawing. He stopped for a second, running a hand through his blonde hair, taking in the art before him, then going back to work.

I watch you from afar
Simply taken in by the art
You took a pencil in your hand
Passionately gliding
The sight before me looked so

I stopped writing, thinking of a word I could use to describe the sight before me.

His tan skin glistened the slightest from the sweat building up on his forehead, no doubt from the heated atmosphere. His eyes were intently trained on his masterpiece. His eye brows were furrowed in concentration, his sharp jawline also clenched.


I finished off the bit I wrote. I looked back up at him. He had stopped drawing now and was putting his note book away. I watched as he took out a pack of cigarettes, lighting it and putting away the packet.

He took a long puff, glancing around. His cheekbones only looked more perfect when he sucked them in like that.

I flinched when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I took out my phone and looked at the screen, rolling my eyes when I saw it was just my step brother Matt, probably just asking if I wanted him to pick me up today.

When I glanced back up, I realised he was gone. I confusedly looked around the roof, seeing no sign of him anywhere.

I put my phone back in my pocket, not bothering to bother with Matt and put my note pad and pen away.
I then moved out of behind the shelf.

"Aha!" I jumped. Looking at the other side of the shelf, seeing him standing there. I closed my eyes and put a hand to my chest, feeling like it was gonna explode from the erratic pace it was going.

After taking a couple of deep breathes, I nervously opened my eyes, meeting with a pair of honey brown eyes. They held amusement in them and I gulped, anxiously.

"I knew someone was here.." He muttered, sounding accomplished.

That was the day we met. After that we talked for a while. He kept insisting that I had stalked him, but
me being the stubborn person I was, refused to admit it to him, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of being right.

He told me to meet him there the next day. It eventually became a casual thing between us to meet up there everyday and talk. We got to know each other and grew fond of each others company.

Constantly memories like these would fill my mind. I wished I could go back to those day. When we were young and everything was ok. We could tell each other that this was forever, but I guess forever came sooner than expected.

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