4 Words Can Get you in Detention.

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 Well, lets just say that my lisp from the 5th grade has returned. During Math, I spent 2 minutes trying to say subtraction. Subscraptions. Er. Subscription. GAH! Subscraction. GOSH! Er, y'know, where you take stuff away? (My exact words! XD)

 ~Time Skip to lunch~ 

 I was singing the Hetalia ending song in Japanese, and some students were looking at me like I had sprouted two heads or someting. Nobody at my table was looking at me like that except Tamaki. So I threw a manga (StormBreaker) I had borrowed from the library and threw it at his face. "I just FaceBooked you!" I yelled. Yeah... I'm weird. Oh, yeah, and someone emailed me, and told us to do a dare. "Mori, look at everyone at this table and say the first word that comes to mind." I dared. Mori blinked. He shrugged, and looked at Hikaru and Kaoru. "Idiots." I laughed so hard. He looked at Honey. "Cute." He looked at Tamaki. 'Wimp." He looked at Kyoya. "Slender Man." He finally looked at me. "Piano." He finally said, after hesitating.

~Time Skip to the end of the day~

 "Samuel Taylor to the office NOW!" The secretary barked into the intercom. I gave my friends puppy dog eyes and left. I had gotten a detention. Why, you ask? Because I'm immature. During shop class, the teacher, Mr. Murdo was showing us how to drill a hole in the wood. "You gotta put it in, and put it in until you can't put it in anymore. Then, you pull out." He explained. He was talking about a drill screwing in... "That's what she said!" I called. Lots of people looked at me, just like at lunch time, and laughed. They all thought of me as innocent, and kind. Hearing me say that, well, was a surprise. But, unfortunately, Mr. Murdo didn't think that was very funny, and told me I would be having detention. As I walked there, the principal had pity in his eyes. "I expected more from you, I didn't think you could be that-" his voice trailed off. Immature? Stupid? Inappropriate?...Funny?... I sat in a desk and banged my head against the desk. Being in detention was bad enough, but since I had severe ADD (I had to go on medications to make it mild to no ADD) it was torture. (ADD means you lose interest easily, or can't pay attenti- Oh look a butterfly! (Sorry, that's the best I can explain it)) I sat up straight, finally realizing this was going on my report card, my principal was going to phone my parents, and I would be missing the Host Club. All of this was making my head swirl, and making my stomach hurt. I felt like I was gonna pass out, or throw up. I raised a shaking hand. "M-May I go to, to the washroom? I'm not feeling so well." he raised a suspicious eyebrow. Then sighed. "Fine, go if you must." He said, gesturing a hand. I sped walked to the bathroom, and locked myself in a stall. I needed some time to cool off. I slowed down my breathing, and went to the sinks, grabbed a paper towel, put the taps on coldest, and wet the towel with it. I rung it out, and put it on my forehead. I sighed. It felt so good. Suddenly, my mouth went warm and my mouth started to water. Oh Crap. I thought. No. No. I ran to a stall and just made it. My body does that when I'm about to be sick. Great. Now my mouth tasted absolutely terrible and I was hungry. I slowly dragged my feet back to detention, and hung my head. It carried on until 7:00 PM. Thats what 4 words can get you into.

 Back at the room, When Tamaki came up to me to comfort me about my detention, and ask me questions, he hugged me and squeezed me. Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but my stomach hurt. "No. Stop it." I whimpered out. He stood back for a second, concern in his eyes. "Are you ok?" He asked. I shook my head. "I think I'm sick." I told them. "Oh, its probably just your men-" Kyoya began. I blushed and yelled at him, which ended up with me going into a coughing fit. "No! Uh Uh! Thats personal, and I certainty don't want you talking about it! I even threw up! I think I'm sick!" At the end, I coughed so much, I could barely breathe. I think (Read past if you have a weak stomach) I have mucus in my lungs/throat. I slowly climbed into my bed, not bothering to change.

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