Day 6: Fox instincts take over

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It's hard living on your own with hardly any food or water. Especially if a blue fox continuously takes everything you own. I mean, seriously, what's her problem?

Lilly's wing is healing slowly. I was working on a little collar so she can speak, but of course, she had to take that too. It's like a child getting its things taken away by their parents. And we're not even close to be related to each other.

Just thinking back to when I was younger.......Mom, and Dad were there, and we was having a great time.....I would babble on about planes, Dad would buy me a large toy plane that I could actually sit in, Mom would make the most delicious foods............And........they're gone. I don't even remember waking up in my nice bed and hear them chattering away. It's like........My parents are now strangers to me.......

I didn't even realize I was crying until Lilly handed me a berry she found and wiped away one of the many tears on my cheeks. Lilly hung her head low, as if she knew what I was going through, or if she's been through it too.

"Thanks, Lilly, but you need to eat too." I said, handing the berry to her. "I'll have to find my own. It's not that I don't appreciate it, it's just that, I don't think one berry will satisfy me....." I petted her little head. Lilly nodded and pecked at the berry. 

"I'll be back soon, promise." I looked at Lilly once more, then flew off to find more berries.

One thing I do know, is that I think that this blue fox is trying to mark her territory. Reason why for my little theory? There's blue paint lines everywhere. Not only that, but all the berry bushes on "my side" are empty. I think she and I need to have a little talk with each other. First she barges in my cave saying that it's hers, Second, she steals my food, Third, she steals my little gadgets when I'm sleeping! She needs to stop......And I need to stop ranting about it..........

I went over to the flower patch and looked at it. It's still pretty, and light purple too. "If you know where I can find some berries, please show me the way." I whispered to them. I knew this was a dumb idea, but it's worth a shot. I waited a couple seconds, then I started to walk away, until I heard a voice in my head.........Not the second voice in your head that tells you to do the right thing, but......Someone else's.......

"Food, you seek, Food you get......." Then the voice disappeared.

"Wait, who are you?" I shouted at the flowers, like if they could talk. I swear, I'm losing my mind if I'm now talking with flowers. I repeated what the voice said in my mind...Food, you seek, Food you get. What does that mean? I walked around for a little bit......The hunger was slowly taking over as I started to hear things from far away.......Sounds like...............a hedgehog. And it's walking with two friends in my direction. My mouth started to water at the sight........

I quickly hid in a bush. My ears poked out a little bit as I listened to them, deep in conversation. They walked past me, not even noticing my ears. Three hedgehogs, One was pink, one was grey and the other yellow. Looks like they're all female, too. I quietly got out of the bush and started stalking them. Oh, those poor little hedgies......I almost feel sorry for them. But then again, the circle of life takes over. The group stopped and looked at the flower patch. The pink one grabbed a flower and put it in the gray one's hair. They all laughed, then sat by a nearby tree. I was on the other side. I can taste them already. The yellow hedgehog said something to the other two, and left. I followed the yellow one in complete silence. I felt my fur rise a little. I waited until her back was turned towards me. Then, I striked. One easy snap of the neck and she was dead. I dragged her body to the bush I was in. The other two heard her scream, and ran over to where she was. The gray hedgie climbed up a tree, while the pink one stayed on the ground. I walked up to the pink hedgehog and pounced on her. She was screaming way louder than I thought, but soon, it stopped. I looked up at the gray hedgehog carefully. She was scared of me, I could tell. I decided to spare her life. I think two hedgehogs are good enough.

I carried the bodies in a large leaf back to the cave. I didn't expect a huge pile of berries there though. Lilly chirped away. She was happy that I was back. But I did notice that the flower I planted in the cave was gone. Along with those.....Diamond........thingies. I put the large leaf down and ate. It's been a while since I've eaten meat.........and it tastes so good. I wondered if Lilly wanted some, but she had a terrified look on her face. 

"Is everything okay, Lilly?" I asked her. She didn't reply. In fact, she was slowly backing out the cave. "Lilly! Wait! I'm not gonna eat you!" I grabbed her, and she kept pecking my hand. I put her in the bird cage I built. "I'm not gonna eat you. You're my friend!" I looked straight in her eyes, and she slowly nodded.  I smiled at her, then went to make a fire. I put the other body in it and waited a while. I think I like cooked hedgehog meat.

Later at night, I went over to a waterfall and watched it with Lilly perched on my shoulder. She looked at me and I looked back at her. She got off of my shoulder and jumped in the water. I followed her and stepped in the water. It was cold, but nice. Lilly and I splashed around. But then, I noticed Lilly's wing cast was coming off. I tried to fix it, but Lilly pushed my hand away. She took off the cast and started flying again. I looked at her weirdly. She started to glow purple. All I did was watch. And before my eyes, she turned into a purple hedgehog! I screamed a little and ran under the waterfall. No wonder she was scared of me.....I looked around the waterfall and found a crown there. It was tiny, but it was a crown. I went back over to Lilly and handed her the crown. She stared at it, then grabbed it and smiled. "Thank you for your gift, and your help." She said.

I looked at her still. Too many questions swarmed my mind. I sat in the water and just stared at it. Lilly sat with me too. "I was going to tell you that I could turn into a hedgehog, but you would've never understood.....Being a flicky for most of your life is horrible......" Lilly hugged me tight. I knew instantly that she was a true friend.

I sighed. "Sorry I scared you like that. It's just when......I get very hungry, I get urges to eat other things, mostly hedgehogs, but I will never eat you, I swear." Lilly looked at me, and nodded. 

Tomorrow, that blue fox is gonna pay for what she did...........

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